Why Adam and Eve Created God

Who created God. Why we believe in God.

The Proof That God Does Exist

-Nothing Found-

There is no proof God exists.  I’ve looked very hard for over 30 years found that no one has ever found a single piece of evidence God exists.  Think back on all the church services, Bible study classes, and religious scholars you’ve talked to and you will realize no one has ever shown you real evidence God exists.  There are lots of philosophical arguments put forth, but no evidence.  Its is ok not to believe in God because no one can show any evidence that the God writen about in the Bible/Talmud/Midrash/Qur’an/Sunnah/Bhagavad Gita/Tantras exists.

I spent 30+ years searching for ANY proof that God exists.  I’ve read hundreds of books, spent thousands of hours watching religious TV and listening to religious Radio programming, put in years attending Christian Churches, and never once saw any evidence.  I’ve asked religious leaders and believers around the world the for evidence of God.  Is there evidence of God?  I spent the last 30 years looking at every piece of evidence of God, and none if it is the least bit believable.  No one in the history of the world has ever found any real proof that God exists.  If anyone ever found proof that God exists, he or she would be famous the world over. But despite millions of people searching, no one has ever found God anywhere.

Sure, there are plenty of “Arguments” for God’s existence, but there is no evidence of god that an intelligent person would accept as proof.  There are thousands of pages of holy scriptures and texts spread across thousands of religions, and yet not one person can show proof that the God described in their holy text exists.  The reason:  We Created God.  Why do people believe in god? Read Why Adam and Eve Created God to understand why religion still captures the imagination of most people.

An Interesting Experiment

Here’s a fun experiment:  Right now, open another tab on your browser and search/Google for “Proof that God Exists“.   You will see there are millions of web pages relevant to this search.  Read the first 10, 100, or 1000 pages. Whatever you have time for.  You will see there is no website that describes any real proof an intelligent person like yourself would call “proof”.  The pages will recite the standard “arguments” for God, but an argument is not proof.  Many will have stories about amazing events that randomly happened, but that’s not proof to anyone but a believer.  Many will claim some holy text proves God exists, but they won’t even know where the text came from.

We know how to prove things.  Doctors, scientists, engineers, and many others routinely prove beyond any doubt very complex matters with quite limited access to the data.  With the enormous amount of information we have from the religions of the world, proving God exists would be easy, but they find the task impossible.  No web page will have real proof, the kind we’d expect to find if an all-powerful God wanted us to know about Him.  Think about what you were told about God.  Is any of it really true?  Try to think of even one supernatural trait attributed to God, and see if you have ever seen any evidence of it.

What Would Prove God Exists?

You might ask, “What would I accept as proof that God exists?”   That is very simple.  The same sort of evidence most anyone would accept as proof.  In fact, if the actions attributed to God in the holy books actually happened (raising dead, feeding hungry, walking on water…), we’d all believe.  But they never do.  Here is a list of some traits our holy books ascribe to God, and if they actually existed I and everyone else would believe.

1. Real Miracles

Believer say with God, anything is possible.  But, there are many many things that just never ever happen.   Soldiers who have a leg blown off in battle often meet with priests who pray for them.  They beg God for healing.  If the leg grew-back after the prayer, that would be a real miracle and I’d believe.

2. All Powerful

Every believer prays to their God to protect them, and help them.  If believers in God were unusually healthy, or didn’t get cancer, or always won the lottery, or never got killed by hurricanes and tornadoes, I’d believe.

3.  He Loves

Where is the evidence of God’s love?   When a baby starts crying from a lack of food, if milk always appeared before the child died from hunger, I would believeIf a lightning bolt struck down people who were about to slaughter a Christian or Muslim because of their faith, I’d Believe. 

4. Controls the Universe

If the atomic weight of various elements, the speed of light, the physics of a atom, the electrical conductivity of a transistor, or any other physical constant in the universe were changed by God, it would decimate most modern industries such as electronics, automobile, construction, and communications.  But I would be a believer.

5. Appears to Humans

Thousands of people have claimed to see or talk to God, angels, or spirits.  Yet, no one ever gets a clear photo or recording.  With the billions of cameras in the world, news crews on call 24/7, and video recorders in so many phones, why is it no one every gets a picture of Big Foot or God?  A real video of God descending from the sky into a tornado, and crushing the twister before it destroyed a church would make many of us beleivers.

Then Why Do We Believe in God When There is No Proof?

It is very natural to believe in God.  intelligent people believe in God for many good reasons, but none of them are supernatural. My book Why Adam and Eve Created God explains how this happens.  Take the time now to learn why people believe in God.

Humans are a race of believers.  Every culture and every people, no matter how ancient or modern, civilized or barbarian, wandered towards the spiritual.  The religions evolved as civilization advanced, and now billions still follow the passions of bygone cults whose foundations were laid thousands of years ago.  No supernatural cause has ever directed people to recognize any of the 2500+ deities they invented.  But there are many very real and natural reasons people embraced the gods of their parents.  Call it the Human Spirit, personality, or your soul.  But whatever it is called, it is in all mankind and is an amazingly strong force.

It is easy to point an accusing finger at religious institutions, accusing them of manipulation of their followers.  But the blame is not only on the religious organizations and charismatic leaders.  Many of us just do not understand our own self, our life forces, our mental processes, and our egos.  Some people fall prey to sophomoric tricks played by religious groups not just because they are being had by experts, but because they do not know their limitations, their vulnerabilities, their weaknesses, and their blind-spots.  America’s children grow up with minimal education in the science of the mind, rational thinking, and scientific reasoning.  When confronted with supernatural suggestions, few can carry on a reasonable discussion with the intent of determining the truth.  Also, for too many people, the unreasonable supernatural ideas feel better than the cold hard facts.  We all have important psychological needs and desires, and for many, these are filled by a religion.  These needs must be satisfied for us to have a full life, but we no longer need God.

Search for the truth.  Think for yourself.  Experience True Religious Freedom.  And you will be rewarded with an enlightening revelation: We Created God.

Why do you think many people would believe in Him?

When you ask “Why do you think many people would believe in Him? ” you are asking a great question.

There are many very good reasons, and I have the answer for you.  Unlike so many websites, you can’t get a quick answer here because the answer to Why Many People Believe Religion? is complex, and there are hundreds of fascinating aspects to the answer. Why people believe in a God is a not talked about in polite society because people differ in their faiths for very personal, embarrassing, and illogical reasons.  With so much disagreement about who’s God is right or who’s religion is true, few believers want to cast stones at other faiths.  I don’t want to either.  But I do want to help people who believe in God to understand why people believe in god.

My book Why Adam and Eve Created God answers this question for you.  The answer will amaze you.  You will find that believing in God is normal.  The hundreds of reasons people believe in God are so compelling, that most of the people on earth feel compelled to believe in some god or another.  The reason’s have nothing to do with anything supernatural.  They are a natural part of being human, and everyone should understand this part of human nature.  Each believers have their own reason to believe in God, and that is why we have created thousands of Gods.  See a list of gods here.

Obviously, the number one reason of why people believe in God:  Their parents made them.  Think about your faith, or your friends. Do they have the same god as their parents? Their grandparents?  In most cases they do.

But religious faith is much more complex, and I hope you take the time to read my book and understand the deeper meaning behind people’s faith.  The list of other reasons that people believe in God is long, and different people need a god for different reasons.  When you understand the history, logic, psychology, social pressures, and science behind religious faith, you will understand religion so much better.  And if you still have some faith in a god, you will gain the courage to let go.




Silly Mind Tricks

Chapter 19 of my book delves into one of the more fascinating aspects of human nature – Silly Mind Tricks.  Silly Mind Tricks are what I call the little errors our minds make as they take in an overwhelming amount of information and try to make sense of it.  Often we can trust our senses but there are times when they fail us.  And there are times our mind just can’t figure out what our senses are telling us, and revert to a fail-safe mode where our mind fills-in the gaps it can’t figure out. When they do this, there is no alarm or warning.

For example there are many times where our minds simply make up memories.  They piece together bits of real events with stories we read about or saw in a movie, and add in information from someone else who implanted it in our mind during some discussion.  This happened to Ronal Regan when he was president of the United States when he confused his life with movie roles he played.  It happens to everyone.

Silly mind tricks are part of being human.  They can be silly, embarrassing, and dangerous.  Find out why we all experience them, and how they have been used by religions the world around to trick people into thinking God had something to do with their life.  They are not evidence of God, but play a part in why people believe in God.  Tricks of the mind have been potrayed as proof of God’s hand in our world, but when you understand the mind better, you will realise that the normal tricks our mind plays on us are all-to-human. Not God.

Briefly, here is a list of silly mind tricks that most all people experience.  These are normal parts of being human:

  1. Auditory Hallucination (Hearing Voices).  Sometimes this happens as we are falling asleep or awakening.  Sometimes when a loved one passes away, we’ll hear their voice as if they were in the room.   Sometimes people hear voices for no particular reason – they just do.  Its not a mental problem, its a normal part of life. For a very few, this happen so much it disturbs them and they need professional help.  So when you hear a story about some religious prophet hearing God, there is a good chance he really did believe he heard God.
  2. Visual Hallucination (Hearing Voices).  Again, sometimes this happens as we are falling asleep or awakening. Visual hallucinations are less common than auditory ones, but they do happen to many people.  During grief hallucinations, people will have conversations with lost loved ones.  It’s a common reaction, and for those with a hope in an afterlife, a great comfort.
  3. False Memories. Anyone who has raised children has seen this happen many times. When our brain recalls a past event, the memory it brings up can be inaccurate, exaggerated, and missing information. Our mind also will adds additional images and notions that never occurred and fills in memory gaps on its own. And when it does this, sometimes we don’t know it. A false memory and a real memory feel just as real. Psychologist have found it is easy to implant false memories into people, even specific details can be unknowingly planted into people’s mind, and later, they will not know that some vivid memory they have is not real.
  4. Need to Help Others.  People feel a need to help others – which is a great human attribute and helps build a wonderful world.  But at times, this need can cloud good judgment and the desire for truth.  By embracing a God and supporting His religion, many believe they are helping others.  The are helping by save others from eternal damnation.  The are helping to feed the hungry by praying to God.  They loose their will to be reasonable in the same way a hero does when he or she charges into a burning building, collapsing mine shaft, or toxic environment to save a child.  It’s understandable why a person is happier knowing they can save the world with their God and a prayer instead of having to face the realities.
  5. Fortune Telling.  For thousands of years, fortune tellers have been around making a living off telling people what they want to hear.  Using ambiguous statements, deflecting blame, leading questions, and many other mental tricks, they are able to convince gullible people of their supposed abilities.  These same tricks are used by our religious leaders and work well on many people. If there was a real ability to tell fortunes, we could never have something like a Stock Market.  Fortune tellers would wipe it out.  But because fortune tellers charge money for their service, we know they don’t have any supernatural abilities to predict fortunes.
  6. Priming.  When you are in a good mood, you are more likely to say “yes”.  Salesmen know this.  Spouses know this.  Children know this.  Religious leaders know this.  Our mood clouds our judgment, or at least it affects is.  If we are in a bad mood, we will be more likely to say no to something.  Should mood play a roll in judgment?  In the courtroom no.  When making life-or-death decisions, no.  In most cases it should not, but it does.  That is so many religions go out of their way to get people in a good mood before asking them to believe.
  7. Autosuggestion and Hypnotism. Hypnotism is one huge mind trick.  It essentially bypasses the conscious mind and plants ideas into people’s heads much like subliminal advertising.  By weaving certain things into conversations that you don’t notice going in and which direct your thought process, your mind embraces new ideas.  These are called ‘suggestions’ and these suggestions are very powerful and versatile ways to get people to do things they would not normally do.  Religious services can be very hypnotic.
  8. Associations.  Like Pavlov’s dog, our minds can easily be made to associate one thing with another.  This helps us make quick decisions, and these gut feelings are an invaluable part of life.  But when other manipulate our associations, or we ourselves begin to associate good emotions with bad ideas, we can end up tolerating bad ideas.  In church music can create a Pavlovian response.  Priests,evangelists, and ministers know this.  Say something wise, get a halleluiah!.  Praise God, get a halleluiah!.  Mention a great deed, get a halleluiah!.  Soon all one needs to do is hear halleluiah!, and most any action will feel good, even it it normally would make you uncomfortable.

These silly mind tricks may be a normal part of life, but to many people, they are troubling.  We like to believe we know what is going on, have good judgment, and clear thinking.  These mind tricks are often associated with serious mental disorders such as schizophrenia.  So we tend not to discuss these experiences, and for people who believe in Gods, demons, angels, life-after-death, and the supernatural, they are a personal religious experience.  For religious leaders who believe God speaks to them, these are a part of their conduit to the heavens.  It is easier to dismiss them as evidence of God instead of admitting such embarrassing mistakes.

Take the time to learn about how your sill mind works.  They are fascinating.  And when you do, you will learn why God does exist – in people’s minds.  We created God and these silly mind tricks make so many feel certain God is real.  He is really in their mind, and Why Adam and Eve Created God will show you how He got there.

The God Particle Makes God Unnecessary

On the 4th of July, 2012 God became totally unnecessary.  Scientists using the Large Hadron Collider announced that they observed a new particle that is consistent with the Higgs boson theory. What could this have to do with God?  A lot!  In fact, the Higgs particle is nicknamed "The God Particle."

imageFor 400 years, "Descartes First Proof" has been used by all faiths as proof that God exists. Descartes (1596-1650)  quoting a roman philosopher named Lucretius when he said: "Ex nihilo nihil fit", meaning "Nothing comes from nothing".  This makes total sense to everyone. And his argument for God has stood the test of time and logic, helping make believers out of many a skeptic.

If you accept Descartes premise that God must exist because nothing comes from nothing, then you must also accept the notion that if something can come from nothing, God is not needed as the creator.  Be honest with yourself and consider the implications of the Higgs particle.

In 1964, Peter Higgs predicted the existence of an amazing sub-atomic particle.  He theorized that Higgs field must give mass to other particles that have no mass.  The notion of something with no mass is in itself hard to comprehend, but for those exceptionally brilliant men and women who dedicate their lives to particle physics, they understand this.  They know (and can prove) that elementary particles obtain the property of “mass” through interaction with the Higgs field.  Elementary particles transition from something with no mass to something with mass via the Higgs field.

Is this a bit hard to understand and believe?  Yes.  But these brilliant men and women not only spend their lives working on these incomprehensible (to most of us) problems, but they spent billions of Euros erecting the Large Hadron Collider to test their theories.  Thousands of scientists from around the globe have reviewed their work and concur.  God is not the only thing that can create something.  The Higgs field around the Higgs particle created all mass and matter in the universe, including you, and me.  We then created God.

The Higgs field pervades the universe.  When a sub-atomic particle with no mass travels through the Higgs field, it becomes massive. It become something with mass without getting the mass from anything else.  The mass appears out of nothing.  Something from nothing.

Trust the Experts

Many of us were brought up to distrust science.  I was taught in high-school that the earth is about 6000 years old, and evolution is a hoax.  The Bible was a trusted science book in my school.  So when scientists proclaim they found the “God Particle”, and it disproves Descartes, many believers simply throw this incomprehensible discovery on the large pile of facts they wish ignore.  It disagrees with what their religion taught, so it must be ignored.  And discoveries as complex as the Higgs boson are easy to ignore, because most of us, no matter how hard we try, cannot truly understand sub-atomic physics.

Brilliant men and women with PHDs struggle to understand how the universe works, so its easy for the rest of us to ignore them.  Listen to the people with PHDs to get your science and trust their expertise and dedication to finding truth.  What they are uncovering about the physics of the universe is truly amazing.  And there is a good chance you’ve never been taught about this if you got your education from a believer in God.

Here are just some of the amazing physical properties of our universe.  These aren’t theories. The following 10 amazing facts are accepted principles describing the universe you and I live in.  They are disturbing to many religions, and may not be taught in science classes because this knowledge might make someone think the universe is more complex than the simple garden God created for Adam and Eve.

10 Amazing Facts of the Universe

1. There is almost nothing in the universe!  All matter is over 99.9999999999999% empty space.  Your body is 99.9999999999999% empty space.  Concrete is 99.9999999999999% empty space.   And this assumes classical atomic sizes where protons are about 1.5×10−41 cubit meters in diameter.  The truth is, a proton is made up of two sub-atomic particles called quarks, which themselves have no measurable size.  These small particles act more like waves.

2. The “Force of Gravity” does not exist.   There are many forces in nature.  Magnetic, nuclear, electromagnetic, centrifugal,…  But gravity isn’t a classical force in nature — it is a phenomena.  We experience gravity because large massive objects warp our space/time continuum.  When space and time are warped, we do not travel in a strait-line though time, but rather our path is bent as we travel through space and time, and this bending makes us move relatively closer to the objects with mass.  Einstein won the Nobel prize in 1921 for this discovery, and yet 80 years later, most people still do not understand gravity.

3. The universe could fit in a suitcase. Because all matter is mostly empty space, in our time/space view of the universe, if all empty space were removed and everything in the whole universe compressed to the “Plank Density”, it would fit inside a suitcase.  Now, as matter is compressed and densities increase, time and space would be warped making measurements meaningless and one could argue the suitcase is as large as the universe.  Read Stephen Hawkings  and other experts who publish fascinating books that will open up the universe to you.

4. At the center of our galaxy (and most others), is a Black Hole.  A single black-hole can have a mass equal to 3,000,000 suns!
imageIt can swallow a whole planet or sun, and they often do.   Considering one sun is 109 time larger than our earth, a black hole 3,000,000 times heavier than our sun is humbling.  It makes an earthling feel insignificantly small.  No one can think about the size of universe without realizing that in the vast universe, we are not significant.

5. Most of the universe is missing. There are probably more than 100,000,000,000 galaxies in the universe.  And one galaxy will have millions to trillions of stars and planets in it.   This sounds like a lot of stuff, but when calculating the mass of the universe, physicists find that all the galaxies account for less than 5% of the universe.   NASA theorizes that 70% of the universe is “dark energy” and 25% of the universe is “dark matter”.  The continue to map the matter in various galaxies to better understand the nature of the dark matter.

6. Something can come from nowhere.  The Higgs field pervades the universe. When a sub-atomic particle with no mass travels through the Higgs field, it becomes massive. It become something with mass without getting the mass from anything else. The mass appears out of nothing. Something from nothing.

7. There are certain things God cannot do.   Millions have looked, but no one has ever witnessed certain laws of physics being broken.  Nothing with mass has traveled faster than the speed of light (299,792,458 meters-per-second).  Nothing has ever been colder than absolute zero (–273.15 degrees Celsius).   These laws of physics have never been broken, even by anybody’s God.

8. Matter can disappear into thin air.  Matter in the Universe is made up  of a small number of elementary particles, which include quarks and electrons.  Associated with each elementary particle is an ‘antiparticle’ . The antiparticle has the same mass as the particle, but has the opposite charge.  When a particle and an antiparticle combine, they produce a photon, or a particle of light, and their mass disappears.  Their matter no longer exists – in a flash of light.

9. We can look back in time. The universe is about 150 billion light years across, and our best telescope, Hubble, can see things 13 billion light years away.  When it looks at something 13 billion light years away, the it is looking back in time 13 billion years.  It sees the image that was made 13 billion years ago.  The nearest star is 4 light years away, so when we look at it, we see back in time 4 years ago.  Many religion say the universe was made only 6000 years ago, but when we look back 6000 years, we don’t see anything unusual.  When we look back 13 billion years in time, we see a lot of fascinating activity, and a very big bang.

10. It all started with a Bang.  Albert Einstein predicted it, George Lemaitre proposed the theory, Fred Hoyle named it, Edwin Hubble witnessed it, and NASA continues to measure and map it.  The Big Bang is not a theory.  It is fact.  It is a model describing how the universe came to have the properties we see it has.  For many years to come, great minds will be perfecting the model, but the universe certainly started with what we would call a bang, over 13 billion years ago.


If you were raised a Christian, some of these 10 amazing facts of the universe may be new to you.  Every day, scientists are expanding their understanding of how the universe was made.  It is amazing what they find.  When you want to know “Who Made God?” read Why Adam and Eve Created God, and you will be equally amazed at all the reasons we created God.

God Hates No One

Good news!  We Created God, and once you know that God resides only in your mind, all the hate attributed to Him disappears.  My book Why Adam and Eve Created God offers plenty of proof that God exists – in people’s minds.  Those of us raised to think God cares about sex, money, pride, crime, drugs, communists, unemployed, atheists, and gambling, experience great relief when we realize all of the things we were taught to hate will actually not cause us or others to burn in hell for eternity.   When there is no God, He can hate no one.  When you finish reading the book, you will completely understand how and why we created God, and you will be relieved that many of the things you have been taught to hate in the name of God are totally OK to love and enjoy.

Believers in God are unsure if God hates.  Some will say God loves everyone one, others will give you a long list of hated activates and people. Check the Bible:

  • Leviticus 20:23, Moreover, you shall not follow the customs of the nation which I shall drive out before you, for they did all these things, and therefore I have abhorred them.
  • Psalm 5:5,  Thou dost hate all who do iniquity…
  • Psalm 11:5,  The Lord tests the righteous and the wicked, and the one who loves violence His soul hates.
  • Proverbs. 6:16-19, There are six things which the Lord hates, yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers.
  • Hosea 9:15,  All their evil is at Gilgal; indeed, I came to hate them there! Because of the wickedness of their deeds I will drive them out of My house! I will love them no more; All their princes are rebels.
  • Deuteronomy 32:19-20,  And when the LORD saw it, he abhorred them … for they are … children in whom is no faith
  • Revelation 2:23,  I will strike her children dead so that all the churches will know that I repay each of you as your deeds deserve
  • Luke 14:26,   If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters–yes, even his own life–he cannot be my disciple.
  • Matthew 10:34-37,  Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

So there is plenty evidence in the Bible that God hates.  But, do the believers think that God hates no one?  A quick Google search for Christian hatred turns up a LOT of articles articulating why God hates one person or another.

  • God hates homosexuals”  74,200 results
  • God hates sex” 59,000 results
  • God hates communists” 5060 results
  • God hates gambling” 2460 results
  • God hates smokers” 3850 results
  • God hates a coward”  2,310,000 results
  • God hates a liar”  42,300 results
  • “God hates Africa” 26,040results
  • “God hates Nerds” 131,000 results
  • “God hates Jews” 42,900 results
  • “God hates the United States” 15,600 results
  • “God hates the women” 41,000 results

Clearly, there are plenty believers out there willing to speak for God and tell us what God hates.  Searching for “God Hates No One” will find over 100,000+ articles, so there are many people out there who want to paint their God in a very favorable way.  They believe God loves everyone.  But, these people deny the Bible and the countless people executed in the name of God.  In times past, men avenged their God’s hatred by slaughtering people who did not believe, burning women they said were witches, and demonizing people else they needed a convenient reason to exterminate.  In most countries, these times have passed, but from the pulpits around the country still hate speech still abounds.  The duality of this logic is hard to understand until you find out why people believe in God. What makes an intelligent person believe in God and embrace such contradictory logic?  Read Why Adam and Eve Created God to understand Why people believe in God and why intelligent people embrace the illogical logic such belief requires. It’s a fascinating  to understand what makes people believe.  And once you understand where belief comes from, dismissing God and the things he hates is easy.  Hating less is good.

Eliminating God will eliminate a long-time favorite disguise for hate. God hates no one because he does not exist.  We all can find some way to get along with those we don’t agree with, and embrace the rest.

Six Reasons to Believe that God Does Exist

Here are “Six Reasons to Believe that God is Really There“.   These six reasons to believe in God are found all over the internet as proof that God does exist, and they sound very logical – at first.  But think about them, and the six reasons make no sense to an intelligent person.  They may appeal to a young student who’s childhood indoctrinated him/her into some religion.  But young people grow up and educate themselves in science and nature, and will ask; “Does God Exist?”  These six reason’s won’t fulfill anyone’s desire for truth, and actually provide good proof that God is really not here.

1. Does God exist? The complexity of our planet points to a deliberate Designer who not only created our universe, but sustains it today.

This sounds very logical to uneducated people, but if you’ve listened in your science classes, read books, and have spent the time to learn about our world, you understand it is an amazing place in its own right.  ALL of the amazing natural processes are that – purely natural.  Yes, when we look at the world we stand in awe.  It is amazing, but there is not a single piece of evidence to make an intelligent peson think that a God is making it all happen.  Wishful thinking is all they have. For thousands of years people who don’t understand nature point to it and say: “See, look, it must be a God doing this.  It’s amazing.”  Lightning, earthquakes, conception, DNA, stars.  They all were thought to be God’s work until we learned how these natural processes work.

A desert night sky filled with stars is an awesome thing to experience.  But it is not the sparkling deeds of some God.  Take the time to understand nature.  None of the 2000+ Gods mankind invented are needed to make it work. Virtually every natural process is well understood, documented, and very understandable if you take a little time.  The easy way out it is refuse to learn, and just say “God works in mysterious ways.”

Don’t fall for this “argument by ignorance“.  You are smart enough to learn that nature is very natural and doesn’t need any God to explain it.

1a. The Earth…its size is perfect.

If Earth were any smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible, leaving us like the planet Mercury.  If Earth were much larger, its atmosphere would contain free hydrogen, like Jupiter does.  Earth is the only known planet equipped with an atmosphere of the right mixture of gases to sustain plant, animal and human life.  Wrong.

The notion that our earth is unique is constantly being proven wrong.  This argument was popular 30 years ago, but now we know better.  Right now, amazing advances are taking place in deep-space exploration, and all scientists who explore deep space know that there are millions of planets like earth out there, and it is only a matter of time before we find an identical one.  Measuring the atmosphere of a plant a billion miles away is an amazing technological feat – one that we are only beginning to master.  But as astronomers perfect their instruments and processes, they are finding many other planets that can support life.

This “perfect earth” argument used to be a handy argument for God, because it was virtually impossible to prove wrong.  Theists love these types of arguments.  But it fell apart, and we now know earth is not unique.  The fact the earth is not unique is great proof that God does not exists.  He didn’t create heaven and earth uniquely for us.  We’re just one of millions of planets that you and I happen to live on.

1b. Water…colorless, odorless and without taste, and yet no living thing can survive without it.

This one of the six reasons to believe has nothing to do with God.  Pay attention in science class and you’ll understand H2O is not a divine substance.  In fact, it shows that a handy compound like water is perfectly natural.  God is not needed to make it work. We need water to live. If water were toxic, then an argument for God would be strong.  Water is a key element of life, and this has nothing to do with the God of the Bible.  If anything, it offers proof that God does not exist.

But, water is everywhere in the world, and all evidence shows that we evolved from creatures that came out of water.  Its properties help prove that we evolved and don’t need a God to explain how we got here.

There is no evidence that water is holy, or specially created by God.  It is found throughout the universe.  It is the building block of life.  A very natural element.  If were lived in a world filled with toxic fluids, it would be a miracle.  God would be needed to explain our survival.  But its not a miracle, and God is not needed.

1c. The human brain…simultaneously processes an amazing amount of information.

Your brain processes all the colors and objects you see, the temperature around you, the dryness of your mouth, the pressure of your feet against the floor, the sounds around you, your thoughts, even the texture of your keyboard.  Use it!

The brain is amazing, and even more proof that God did not create you.  Your brain is virtually identical to the other primates on the planet, and is absolute proof that you evolved from another species related to chimpanzees.  If it were totally different than other primates, then this would be proof that God created men and women.  But, our DNA, brain, organs, blood, and physiology are virtually identical to other primates.  Once again, the logic within this one of the “Six Reasons to Believe that God is Really There” does much more to prove God does not exist.

2. Does God exist? The universe had a start – what caused it?

Scientists are convinced that our universe began with one enormous explosion of energy and light, which we now call the Big Bang. This was the singular start to everything that exists: the beginning of the universe, the start of space, and even the initial start of time itself.

If you are Christian, you know this is not how the Bible says it happened.  If you believe the Bible, then the fact that the universe started Billions of years ago in a big bang proves that the Bible is wrong and God does not exists.  If you deny Genesis, and say that God caused the Big Bang, then you have a point to argue if you want to argue.  This is a good argument to make if you need one because who can prove you wrong about an event that happened billions of years ago?

We are still trying to understand the origin of the universe. It is so complex that very few people can fathom the complex processes that created space, time, energy, and all matter.

The Big Bang is a handy place for believers to hide God, because they can’t understand it and it is still not totally understood.  It happened so long ago that no one can prove much about it.  Using it as “proof that God exists” is very unsatisfying to intelligent people.  You are smart enough to study the research on the origins of the universe.  The physics of the Big bang is amazing and nowhere has anyone run into a wall that requires God.

Oh, and if you still believe God is needed to create the universe, then who caused God?

3. Does God exist? The universe operates by uniform laws of nature. Why does it?

Much of life may seem uncertain, but look at what we can count on day after day: gravity remains consistent, a hot cup of coffee left on a counter will get cold, the earth rotates in the same 24 hours, and the speed of light doesn’t change — on earth or in galaxies far from us.

This is another argument that proves God does not exist.  Gravity always works.  Never, never, has it failed to work.  There is no God or Devil running around modifying how the universe works.  If there was a god playing with nature, many businesses could not exist.  Every time you drop a ball, it hits the ground. 1000 out of 1000 times, or 1,000,000,000 out of 1,000,000,000 times.  It never fails to hit the ground, so there is no reason at all to think that there is a God manipulating it or anything else.

The laws of nature are complex and amazing, so this “Argument by ignorance”  is compelling to uneducated people.  Don’t fall for it.  If you take the time to study nature, you’ll appreciate its beauty and see there is no evidence of God whatsoever.  Nature works fine without a God running it.   Again, this one of the six reasons is a good argument to prove God does not exist.

4. Does God exist? The DNA code informs, programs a cell’s behavior.

This argument says: “All instruction, all teaching, all training comes with intent. Someone who writes an instruction manual does so with purpose.”

There is no reference to DNA in any holy book.  Why use DNA to try to prove God exists?  The “Six Reasons to Believe that God is Really There” are mostly all arguments of ignorance.  Many people have no desire to understand how DNA works, so it is easier to say God makes it work.

Every organism has DNA, even a snake, worm, germ, or microbe.  If we didn’t have DNA it would be amazing and an good argument for God. But DNA proves that we evolved from primates.  It shows how life progresses and we don’t need God to explain it.  It proves we evolved from primates migrating out of Africa.  Mitochondrial DNA can be used to trace back genetic traits tens of thousands of years.

DNA is amazing and complex, and great proof that there is no God.  Your DNA determines what you look like, and much of how your body works.  Gods are not needed to explain your biology or ailments.  When cancer strikes the DNA of your cells, praying will not help save you.  DNA is a fundamental part of every living organism, and Gods do not manipulate it.

To think that a loving God manipulates the DNA of children to give them  Tay-Sachs, cerebral palsy, or muscular dystrophy is absurd.  Again, DNA proves that God does not exist.

5. Does God exist? We know God exists because he pursues us. He is constantly initiating and seeking for us to come to him.

The premise with this logic is: “We think a lot about God, therefore he exists”.  I do have to admit that many people think about God a lot.  There are many reasons for this.  I wrote a whole book about why mankind has created their gods.  (Why Adam and Eve Created God).   Religion and the 2000+ Gods that men and women have created are an important part of life on earth to many people.  I want to help you, my family, and anyone else interested in this topic to understand religion.

Humans are a very believing race. Read my book and will will see that they created Gods to fulfill hundreds of emotional, mental, psychological, and social needs.  It’s a very natural reaction.  But, it is also well understood why we create Gods.  Look at the history of any religion or any God.  You will see they are made-up by men.  Never in the history of the world has anyone found one piece of real evidence for a God.  Never.   If there were a God some place, one of the millions of people searching for God would have found at least one piece of evidence.

You are are reading about the “Six Reasons to Believe that God is Really There” because these lame reasons are the best someone could come up with.  The all are poor arguments, and most actually prove God does not exist.  But there are no compelling reasons to believe and no evidence.  most people believe because their mom and dad made them.

Remember, there is not one single piece of real evidence that God exists.  You don’t believe me?  Go search for one.  Just one piece of hard evidence.  Find something that would stand up in court.  There should be something out there.  If there is a God that manipulates DNA, gravity, planets, water, and everything else, someplace we would find a single piece of evidence that proves God must be here.  Millions have searched for god, and any one of them would be world-famous if they found evidence of God.  No one ever has. There is no God.

6. Does God exist? Unlike any other revelation of God, Jesus Christ is the clearest, most specific picture of God revealing himself to us.

Clear?  Most of what we know about Jesus opaque, written in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the Bible.  Who wrote these books?  No one knows!  When were they written?  No one is certain!  Did Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John write these books?  The experts agree – probably not.

Nothing in the Bible will prove to an intelligent educated person that Jesus was God.  There is nothing supernatural in the Bible.  Every bit of information in it is something that was known to people back in the day it was written.  People believe in God and Jesus for many reasons, none of which has anything to do revelation, the Bible, or supernatural events.  Why Adam and Eve Created God will explain to you why so many people believe in Jesus.  Most people believe because their parents made them. But that is not the end of the story.  There is a lot to belief and once you understand it, you’ll have the courage to step away.

Countless brilliant researchers have dissected the Bible and the stories around Jesus.  If you want to believe the Bible, then you’ll have little interest in learning what the scholars, historians, and biblical experts think.  But if you are interested, read “Who Wrote the Bible”, one of the best selling books of all time.  You’ll be amazed at what you learn about the Bible, and where it came from.  The history of how the Bible was put together, and why people still revere it is fascinating.  Start by learing where the Bible came from, and you quickly will see shy most religions don’t like to talk about this.

These six reasons to believe that God is really there are useless to anyone trying to find God.  Wrong.  My bad.  They are great.  These six reasons prove to anyone willing to use his or her intelligence that God does not exist.  Who made God? We created god.  Life is an amazing journey.  Enjoy it because it is the once chance you get.

The Scientific Method and God

The Scientific Method is the primary way we obtain knowledge.  Without it, what we know would all be faith. But once we prove something with sound objective logic, we improve our knowledge and take a step away from conjecture and blind faith.

We can use the Scientific Method to prove that God does not exist.  Yes, a negative statement can be proven with it.  If you would rather try to prove he does exist, the Scientific Method can also be used to do this.  Is there a proof of God?  When you try to prove God does exist, you will fail 100% of the time.  If you try to prove he does not exist, you will usually succeed if your questions and hypothesis are well thought out.

Here is an example of how you would try to prove that God does exist.

Proof that there is a God

The way one goes about proving something is very well understood.

  1. State what you want to prove in a question.  “Does God Exist.”
  2. Make some hypothesis related to the question. If God does exist, here is what should be true: (make verifiable statements) If God does not exist, here is what should be true: (make verifiable statements)
  3. Predict the results of testing your statements above, before doing any tests or investigation.
  4. Take the time to test each of your statements.
  5. Analyze the results of your tests.  Compare all sets of results.

When you are done, you will see that every one of your 10 statements about God’s existence cannot be shown to be true.  Most every one of your statements related to a non-existing god will be true.

1. The Question: Does god Exist?

The “God” we are talking about in this example is the God of the Bible.  You can substitute your God, but for this example, we want to see if the God as described in the Bible exists.

2.  The Hypothesis

Here are some example hypothesis anyone familiar with Christianity would say are true statements about God.  Now, modern Christians have been told to disregard many of these common Biblical teachings because under scrutiny they fall apart, but these are the foundations of the Christian faith that have been around for over a thousand years.

First the Positive Hypothesis.  If he DOES exist, then….

A. The Bible says he created the earth about 6,000 – 10,000 years ago. See if there the age of the earth and universe is about this old.
B. The Bible says the earth was destroyed in a flood about 4,000 years ago.  See if it was.
C. God is eternal.  Look at what He is, and see if his teachings, message, and requirements are eternal.
D. God created man and woman.  See if we evolved from other species or our DNA, organs, and biology is unique to humans.
E. God loves his followers and protects them.  See if Christians are better off, healthier, or less prone to being killed by tornadoes than atheists.
F. God answers prayers.  See if people who believe and pray are more likely to get what they pray for than those who simply work hard to achieve.
G. God punishes sinners.  We if people how lie, cheat, kill, or commit any other “sin” are punished in life.
H. People have a “soul” that will exist for all eternity.  See if there is anything eternal about a human. Something that cancer, dementia, and death can’t affect.

Second the Negative Hypothesis.  If he does NOT exist, then….

A. The universe and earth could be much older than 10,000 years and evolved over millions of years.  See how old they are.
B. The operation of the universe would follow the laws of physics, and never deviate from them.
C. Mankind has a propensity to invent Gods to meet their psychological and social needs, so diverse cultures would invent diverse and contradictory versions of God.
D. Humans evolved from some type of chimpanzee, and our DNA, biology, blood, organs, brain, eyes, spine, and fingers would be very similar to an apes.
E. Bad things and good things happen to everyone, determined by their own efforts, lack of effort, weather patterns, and environment.  No one faith is unusually lucky.
F. Christian nations such as Mexico, USA, and Philippines would be as prosperous as more atheistic nations such as Norway, Germany, and Canada.
G. Christian nations have little need for jails, taxes, or laws because God would be just and take care of His people.
H. When Alzheimer’s strikes or a brain injury occurs, a person’s personality can totally change created a different person.  One’s mind is temporal.

3. Predict the Outcome

This is the difficult part for the believer.  Be intellectually honest with yourself, and predict what should be the outcome of these tests based on what your religion teaches.  Your local minister or priest will tell you many reasons why you cannot do these tests, and if you do them, how you should game them.  Religion has failed these tests for hundreds of years now, so they have modified their teachings, and hardened their stance against even asking them.

It is OK to do this scientific inquiry.  It will make you better understand your faith, and your god.

4. Take the time to test each of your statements.

You can do a quick investigation on-line in a day or two, but I highly recommend taking a month or year to do it.  Exhaustively test each statement untill you are 100% sure you know the answer to the question.  My book Why Adam and Eve Created God took over 10 years to research and compile.  In it I prove why we created God.  To prove to yourself there is a God, you should spend enough time to make sure you believe your own research.

It may frustrate you because if you are a believer, you’ll want to be able to prove God exists.  No one has ever been able to do this, but it is worth proving to yourself.  If you search the web for “Proof that God Exists”  you will find millions of pages about this.  Not one will have any proof.  The millions of pages are filled with millions of philosophical “arguments that God Exists”.  But a web site that proves that God exists using facts and evidence that any reasonable person would consider “proof” simply does not exist.

5. Analyze the Results of your Tests

Are you being honest? Look hard at the evidence.  Ignore or discard any evidence that is from one-source with no way to verify it.  There is a lot of bad-science out there, much if it done by Christians in hope of finding God. If you find evidence you feel is compelling, verify from independent sources that it is what it appears to be.

For example:

A. If someone says the earth is billions of years old, look into their sources.  Verify others agree with them and have independently validated their work.  See if they submitted their theory to Scientific Methods.  Read what the credible critics say about the earth being billions of years old, and make sure there is no compelling evidence that it is not.

B. If someone says men walked with dinosaurs millions of years ago.  Verify the source and credentials of the person asserting this.  Look at the evidence. Could it be faked?  is there more evidence?  Does the fossil record back up this assertion?

This process is a LOT of work.  When you review the results of your research, you now have to research the results to make sure the facts used are really true fact.  But it is very enjoyable and intellectually rewarding.  You are moving from blind faith to educated understanding.

Proof there is no God

There is no God (period)

So how does one prove a negative statement?

Some say it is impossible to prove a negative statement.  But there is so much proof that there is no God as He described in the Bible, Koran, or any other holy book. This is quite easy to prove.  It is hard to convince a believer that there is no God because everyone believes for so many personal reasons, none of which relate to God’s existence.  On this web site, I prove that We Created God and show exactly how and why mankind went about creating God.  Does God exist?  Yes, God does exist – in the imagination of billions of people.

Where is this “Proof there is no God

This web site contains an enormous amount of proof that there is no God.  Please browse it, and feel free to comment with more proofs, or have ideas about the ones presented here.  Here are links to many of the pages that hold proof about god:

The Evidence:  http://wecreatedgod.com/the-evidence-we-creaded-god/

For thousands of years, random events have been attributed to God.  Really, random events prove there is no God: http://wecreatedgod.com/where-god-is-found/

Most religions still believe their God controls the weather.  Once again, the weather proves there is no God: http://wecreatedgod.com/god-punishes-christians-with-tornados/

If you are a believer in God, these proofs may not convince you.  Probably won’t.  If you read my book you will understand why you believe in God, and once you have a full understanding of the psychology, history, and sociology of your faith, these proofs will make more sense.  If you’re still not convinced, they I highly recommend you try to prove to yourself there is a God.  You won’t be able to, but simply trying hard to do it will prove to yourself there is no God.

Please go ahead and try to prove to yourself that your God exists.  Use sound reasoning and some good research to do this.  There is so much information about every major God, that proving He exists should be easy.  If you are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhists, you have an advantage because three is so much information about who your god is, and what He does and does not do.  Use this information to validate your faith.  It’s a rewarding experience to do it, and even though you will fail to be able to prove anything about your God, you will be rewarded with the personal knowledge that you cannot find your God, and there is more to His existence than you thought.

Proof that there is a God

The way one goes about proving something is very well understood.

  1. State the question.  “Does God Exist.”
  2. Make some hypothesis related to the question.
    If God does exist, here is what should be true: (make 10 statements)
    If God does not exist, here is what should be true: (make 10 statements)
  3. Predict the results of testing your 20 statements above, before doing any tests or investigation.
  4. Take the time to test each of your 20 statements.
  5. Analyze the results of your tests.  Compare all 20 sets of results.

When you are done, you will see that every one of your 10 statements about God’s existence cannot be shown to be true.  Most every one of your statements related to a non-existing god will be true.

So then, Why do People Believe in God?

This question is where I started my investigation so many years ago.  My book Why Adam and Eve Created God answers this question.  It is a fascinating exploration of the religious experience, and will show you exactly why people believe, why belief is normal, and how to step away from religious faith.   http://wecreatedgod.com/why-people-believe-in-god/