Why Adam and Eve Created God

Who created God. Why we believe in God.

The Meaning of Life

Without out God, what is the meaning of life?

This is a common question. Those raised to believe in God have a hard time imagining life without Him. Philosopher’s throughout the ages have struggled to answer this.  But to an engineer like me, the answer is easy:

Life itself has no meaning – It is what you make of it.

We all are the result of space dust evolving into mammals over the course of billions of years.  We will spend our short life on a small planet, in a galaxy filled with millions of stars and planets that is only a minuscule part of an enormous universe.  One million years from now, nothing we do today will matter to anyone.  At some distant point, even our universe will collapse, and not only our dust will cease, but time and space will disappear.   This isn’t a popular message.  You’ll never hear it from the pulpit or a politician wanting to be elected.  But those of us educated in the sciences appreciate how infinitesimally insignificant we all are.   This is one of the most exciting revelations I’ve had in my life.  I am alive!  The odds of it happening are astronomical and I’m going to make the most of the time I am.  And human life on this planet is filled with emotion, creativity, relations, and adventure.  Most all other space dust can’t experience this, and even less-evolved organisms can’t.  We all are incredibly lucky to be here in the state we are.

Your life is whatever you make of it.  Its meaning is determined by what you make of it, the ones you love, and how others perceive you.  There is no God to glorify. No God demands you be his servant.  The “meaning of life” is not a philosophic question any more than the shape of the earth.  We know earth is round not flat, and we know our life carries no more inherent meaning that the atoms of space dust that we are made of.

You yourself put meaning in your life, bring joy to others, and help friends and family fulfill their dreams. It is a personal challenge and one we all can enjoy. I would never tell someone else what their life should mean, but I have defined myself in ways many others also appreciate.

The Meaning of John Sonnenberg’s Life:

  1. Help my family and friends be happy.
  2. Leave a legacy on this earth where people are glad they knew me and are better off because they did.
  3. Be happy, play hard, love, and search for ways to make myself and others happier.
  4. Assist people who suffer, particularly the those who need it, try, but can’t get it.
  5. Make the most of my opportunities for my family, friends, and co-workers.
  6. Always try to do better. Better husband. Better father. Better engineer. Be better.
  7. Help rid society of prejudices, superstitions, scams, religion, and unreasonable logic.
  8. Learn enough about art, science, history, and sports to really appreciate the life and work of others.
  9. Make memories now that I’ll cherish when I’m too old to get out and make more.

If you are a God-fearing person, finding the answer to “What is the meaning of life?” will be just as rewarding and enjoyable as figuring out why we created God.  My book Why Adam and Eve Created God has everything you need to understand why you believe in God and how He was created by us. But you’ll have to discover your own meaning to life.  Others may want to tell you what your life should mean. I won’t. And I really hope you’ll take this one on yourself. First study my book to fully appreciate where the 2000+ Gods we created came from. It reveals why you and all other believers feel attached to god, and will show you so much about God you will be ready to let go of Him. Once you let go of God, life become so much more meaningful.  For thousands of years great philosophers have debated the meaning to life.  Study their thoughts and debates to see some very interesting perspective on life.

There is no absolute meaning to life. No rules. No roles. No restrictions. Everyone has the opportunity to give meaning to their life. Or not. We created God, and we create the meaning to our life. In times past, we created Gods and doctrine to tell others what their life should mean. Once a individual realizes that they are responsible for life, it is more enjoyable and rewarding. I feel so sorry for people who don’t embrace life, but rather look to some ancient traditions to find satisfaction during their short time existence here on earth. Our very existence is quite short, given the vast expanse of space and time. Those of us who know there is no afterlife want to make the most of the one we do have. We really enjoy and appreciate life so much more knowing we are in control.

What do the major religions teach about the meaning of life?  This is another area they really don’t agree.  Even most Christian denominations have different teachings about this.  Here is a short list of what various religions teach about the meaning of life.

Christian meaning  of life:

  1. To know God.
  2. Search the Bible/Torah… and discover it yourself.  Listen to your conscious (the voice of God) and you’ll find meaning.
  3. For God’s glory.
  4. Praise God and trust in Him.
  5. Everyone has a purpose. Their destiny defined long ago by God.
  6. To glorify God.

Muslim meaning of life:

  1. To glorify Allah.
  2. Worship of Allah, the One True Almighty God of the Universe .
  3. Faith and righteous deeds.
  4. Ibadah.  Submittion to Allah.
  5. Faith, prayer, concern for the needy, self-purification, and the pilgrimage to Makkah.

Buddhist meaning of life:

  1. To end suffering.
  2. Before too long life ends in death, and whatever is worthwhile and good, should be done.
  3. Reaching an enlightened state of mind, ending samsara (cycle of life), and entering nirvana.
  4. Respect and care for all living things.
  5. Realize the nature of life to travel down and enlightened path.

Hindu meaning of life:

  1. Pursue wealth and joy in life.
  2. Life is a journey.
  3. To seek truth.
  4. Give without expecting anything in return.
  5. What you give will be returned to you.
  6. Be good. The quality of the next life depends on the soul’s Karma in this life.
  7. Love all living things.

The Big Questions about God’s Existence

So if you think at all about God, and do some research, and go to Church, you will come across some very powerful philosophic arguments FOR the existence of God.  The big questions are listed below, often listed on a religious website.  These are powerful arguments, well though out, and on the surface, very compelling.
But, I ask you to think for yourself, and consider what they say.  Your minister/preist/rabbi… will tell you what to think, and for many people, it is easiest if they just follow orders. But you came here and so you are more inquisitive than average.  I know you will see the true meaning of these arguments for God’s existence, and
1-If there is no God, “the big questions” remain unanswered, so how do we answer the following questions:  Why is there something rather than nothing?  This question was asked by Aristotle and Leibniz alike – albeit with differing answers.  But it is an historic concern.  Why is there conscious, intelligent life on this planet, and is there any meaning to this life?  If there is meaning, what kind of meaning and how is it found?  Does human history lead anywhere, or is it all in vain since death is merely the end?  How do you come to understand good and evil, right and wrong without a transcendent signifier?  If these concepts are merely social constructions, or human opinions, whose opinion does one trust in determining what is good or bad, right or wrong?  If you are content within atheism, what circumstances would serve to make you open to other answers?
JS: Being able to ask a question that no one can answer is not proof of God.  I have studies most all major religions, and not one of them can answer this question either.  Think about what you were taught about your God.  Have you ever been shown why there is something rather than nothing?  Who created God?  Why was God created?   
2– If we reject the existence of God, we are left with a crisis of meaning, so why don’t we see more atheists like Jean Paul Sartre, or Friedrich Nietzsche, or Michel Foucault?  These three philosophers, who also embraced atheism, recognized that in the absence of God, there was no transcendent meaning beyond one’s own self-interests, pleasures, or tastes.  The crisis of atheistic meaninglessness is depicted in Sartre’s book Nausea.  Without God, there is a crisis of meaning, and these three thinkers, among others, show us a world of just stuff, thrown out into space and time, going nowhere, meaning nothing.
JS: Being an athiest is not a chrisis.  Life has much more meaning when God is out of it.  Too many people think the real good things come after they die.  I feel sorry for anyone who is waiting to die so they finally can experience joy.  To us who take responsibility for ourselves, life, and everything around us, life is exhilarating.  We don’t blame God, demons, or lack of faith when things go bad.  We take responsibility – and control.  Prayer makes some people think they are helping others, but we atheist know we actually must DO something if we want to help.  Does a believer really think that life has “meaning” when they are told they are a wretch?  Most all the people on earth do not beleive in the same god, so is life really that rewarding to those that think most everyone else will burn in hell for all eternity?    
3-When people have embraced atheism, the historical results can be horrific, as in the regimes of Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot who saw religion as the problem and worked to eradicate it?  In other words, what set of actions are consistent with particular belief commitments?  It could be argued, that these behaviors – of the regimes in question – are more consistent with the implications of atheism.  Though, I’m thankful that many of the atheists I know do not live the implications of these beliefs out for themselves like others did!  It could be argued that the socio-political ideologies could very well be the outworking of a particular set of beliefs – beliefs that posited the ideal state as an atheistic one.
JS: This is simple too easy.  Anyone who studies history knows believers and atheists are on both sides of the horror stories.  Books are filled with the crimes and horrors commited by the Catholic and Protestant churches.  Remember inquistions?  Witch burning?  America was settled by people thrown out of their coutries because one religion in one country would not tolerate the faith of others.  Slavery and the slaghter of so many native people were done in the name of God.  It is absurd to propose the notion that beleif in God makes people kinder and gentler.  History does not show that.  Neither does logic.  I believe I am responsible for my actions.  Not the devil. Not God.  Nor do I do things in God’s name.  It is the atheist you can trust more often to do the right thing, because he/she is not going to wait for God to settle and injustice.
4-If there is no God, the problems of evil and suffering are in no way solved, so where is the hope of redemption, or meaning for those who suffer?  Suffering is just as tragic, if not more so, without God because there is no hope of ultimate justice, or of the suffering being rendered meaningful or transcendent, redemptive or redeemable.  It might be true that there is no God to blame now, but neither is there a God to reach out to for strength, transcendent meaning, or comfort.  Why would we seek the alleviation of suffering without objective morality grounded in a God of justice?
Suffering proves there is no god.  No prayer ever gets answered.  There is no sign of divine justice.  The men, women and children in Bible Belt of America get crushed by tornadoes every year as they pray for God to protect them.  When you look at suffering, much of it is due to people putting their faith in God instead of rolling up their sleeves and taking control.  Look around the planet at nations or peoples that believe in your version of God.  You will see they are no better off than the religion next door to them.  Most religions teach that God helps the believers.  There is no evidence of this, so one could say it is just fine to choose whatever God feels good to him.  Or, think about it a bit more.  You could say there is no divine justice and every one suffers the same because… we created God and He does not exist.         
5-If there is no God, we lose the very standard by which we critique religions and religious people, so whose opinion matters most?  Whose voice will be heard?  Whose tastes or preferences will be honored?  In the long run, human tastes and opinions have no more weight than we give them, and who are we to give them meaning anyway?  Who is to say that lying, or cheating or adultery or child molestation are wrong –really wrong?  Where do those standards come from?  Sure, our societies might make these things “illegal” and impose penalties or consequences for things that are not socially acceptable, but human cultures have at various times legally or socially disapproved of everything from believing in God to believing the world revolves around the sun; from slavery, to interracial marriage, from polygamy to monogamy.  Human taste, opinion law and culture are hardly dependable arbiters of Truth.
Since mankind first stood up and walked, we have had no trouble figuring out our standards.  With thousands of gods and thousands of religions, it is silly to assert that any one of them is right.  Where do standards come from?  Well, we make our own standards.  Look around at the religious standards. The believers will say that they are of highest quality.  But take the time to study them. Most are poor, and many are horrible.  Here is a small list or terrible ideas the faiths of the world embrace.  The fact that we need morals and standards is not proof of God.  The fact that most every religion is terrible at resolving moral dilemmas proves there is no divine force behind them.  Look where their ideas came from and you will find that they came from men. 
6-If there is no God, we don’t make sense, so how do we explain human longings and desire for the transcendent?  How do we even explain human questions for meaning and purpose, or inner thoughts like, why do I feel unfulfilled or empty?  Why do we hunger for the spiritual, and how do we explain these longings if nothing can exist beyond the material world?
Another easy one.  Most people are indoctrinated from birth to need God in their life.  The psychological and emotional attachments to religion are very powerful.  I hope my book can help break them, because once you realize all the reasons why epople believe, you will understand these emotions and be able to walk away from the whole notion of God.  It is hard for a believer to appreciate this fact, but it is very true:  once you become an athiest, you feel so much better about yourself and about life.  Live is much more fulfilling as an atheist than a true believer.  When you are a believer, nothing you pray for ever happens. You never actually see any evidence that your version of god is any better than the God in some other country.  You’re left feeling very empty.  Except you will have a huge support group  telling you it will be ok.  The warm fuzzy feeling the beleivers have is not “fulfillment”.  It is a self-righteous indignation towards all others who believe in some other god or none at all.  I’m not fulfilled by indignation, and do not feel empty at all. 

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All Good is from God

Whatever of good befalls you is from Allah, and whatever ill befalls you is from yourself.   (Qur’an, An-Nisa 79)

This sentence from the Qur’an sums up most every religion’s view on how their God interacts with their life.  Attributing all that is good as gifts from God/Allah can make people feel indebted to their God, vulnerable to his wrath, and diminishes their own self-worth.  The Christians put it this way:

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above (James 1:16)

To the believer, these claims are self-evident and absolutely true.  Could they be proven wrong? Not really.  Is there evidence to support this belief?  Not really.  So what is the harm in believing this? Lots.

To those whose minds are held captive by some religion, we see a bit of the Stockholm Syndrome.  Captives defend their God for all his mercy and goodness.  Embracing bad logic is mentally unhealthy.  Great things happen to even very evil people, and horrible things happen to many of the strongest believers. Believers see this truth daily and as much as they want to ignore the facts, their minds cannot be turned completely off.  Ignoring all sense of reason is not good.  Faith in something that doesn’t exist is silly and even dangerous.

Belief that all good comes from God may seem benign, but the unreasonable logic it takes to contort ones mind into believing good is from God and evil from someplace should challenge the senses of all intelligent people.  Especially when other common religious beliefs are held up to simple logical scrutiny. Believers daily encounter the following truths, twisting them to contort to their faith.

  • Cancer, Polio, and all diseases kill just as many believers as atheists.
  • Tornados crush Christian men, women, and babies more often than any other religion. (because of geography not vengeance)
  • No prayer is ever answered.  Even the most honorable request is ignored.
  • No religious person can ask god for help and get it.
  • Religious organizations fail, go bankrupt, get destroyed, and burn down. God doesn’t protect them.
  • Religious leaders are often habitual child molesters, addicted to pornography, and partake in all the vices thy rally against.
  • Nothing in the Bible that describes God’s supernatural power has ever been proven. Not once.
  • Millions of people search for God, and no person has ever found any evidence that He exists.
  • Smart, honest, well-educated people have found countless of pieces of evidence that the God of the Bible is a man-made myth.
  • Scientists have found millions of pieces of evidence that the stories in the Bible are wrong, and are man-made myths.
  • History shows we made up thousands of Gods. From Apollo to Jesus to Zeus, they all were made up.
  • The only place to “Find God” is in events that are random, ancient, or immeasurable.
  • God never shows himself in ways that are obvious, measureable, repeatable, or photographable.
  • Many of the greatest nations on earth are filled with Atheists.
  • Many nations with people struggling to survive are highly spiritual filled with a majority of strong believers.
  • Christians don’t agree with each other on matters of their faith.  Nor do Muslims, Buddhists, and all other faiths.
  • Todays religions are very different than they were 100, 200, 500, and 1000 years earlier. They aren’t eternal, absolute, or divine.
  • All religions re-invent themselves, and change their rules as needed to keep members loyal.

The believer living in the modern world must face the above realities every day.  To continue to believe is simply too difficult for an intelligent person to do without some anxiety or consequences.  For many people, particularly the educated and intelligent who reason and think logically, true belief is stressful.  Taking the time to understands where God came from will relieve all the stress.

The Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble. (Proverbs 16:4)

You are probably reading this because you are smart enough to see the unreasonable logic in this whole train of though.  You are right.  When you look at all the evidence of God’s handiwork in our universe, it becomes very obvious good and evil are not controlled by an intelligent or caring being.  The people who create gods tell us to credit all good to their god, but with 2000+ gods out there, the logic to this request is just as unreasonable.  When someone tells you their God did such-and-such good thing, really look at it and see if there is any evidence that a supernatural event occurred. There will be none, and no one has ever found a single piece of evidence that good things come from gods.



12 Steps to Free Thinking

12-step programs are typically put together by Christians to cure addictions or change a person.  This 12-step program is designed to help you understand Christians, yourself, and gain the confidence to express your own view of God.

Step 1  Admit you may not know everything there is to know about God and religion. 
There are a LOT of religions.  Is your’s the correct one?  Most of what you know about God and religion came from people with no desire to expand their knowledge.  They insisted that what they taught you about their God is correct, every other view wrong, and they ridiculed anyone who had the audacity to question their faith.  With thousands of religions, what are the odds that their faith is correct?  Think about the odds.  There IS very good chance your parents and faithful friends didn’t choose the right religion.

Step 2  Come to believe that you are smart enough to understand God and religion.   It is not that difficult to understand why people believe in God and religion.  Religious spiritual leaders would like you to think they have some special ability to interpret God’s word and intent.  But get to know them. They are normal/average humans.  They aren’t any smarter than you.  They may have a lot of education in their particular faith, but that just means they don’t really know much about other views.  Holy books like the Bible, Koran, and Torah are filled with information.  It is not hidden, and there are great books out there that explain these in an intelligent way.  Through intensive study, people can build nuclear reactors, spaceship that fly to the moon, and computers that perform a billion mathematical calculations in a second.  We certainly can understand a book that has been around for over a thousand years.

Step 3  Make a decision to see if what you were taught about God and religion is true.   This should be an easy step for you.  Verifying what we think is true should be an important part of everyone’s life.  When we believe in false ideas, we waste energy, emotion, and time.   Take pride in yourself by being confident in your beliefs.  Gain trust and confidence by verifying without a doubt that your faith is properly placed.

Step 4  Think about what you really believe.   Make a list of all your main beliefs about God and religion.  What are His traits.  What does your religion say God does do. Does not do.  What did He do.  What does He do for you, your country, and mankind.

Step 5  Think about what the obvious errors of your religion.  Think honestly.  Your spiritual leaders have tried to whitewash these, so think with your own mind about God and your faith.  What was God supposed to do that He did not?  Where does God fail to act or show Himself?  When did you or your friends and family count on help from God, and yet nothing happened?  Have you ever experienced God?  Has a prayer ever been answered?   What did your religion teach 500 years ago, compared to now?  If its not the same, when did God change his mind about sex, women, slaves, homosexuals, witches, and sinners?

Step 6  Study your religion.  Don’t read the books published by your organization.  Read the books written by people outside your faith that spend their life studying God and religion.   All aspects of religion ahve been studied by brilliant people, and your religion is very well understood.  Find out Who Wrote the Bible. Read the book, and it will change your view of religion forever.  You’ve probably never been taught this, and it is fascinating to find out how little people know about where the Bible came from.  Study the people of our planet, and see that no one religion has helped any particular nation or race.  Find out how many of the Biblical “facts” such as creation and the flood are proven without a doubt to be completely wrong. Think about “Why people believe in god”.  The real reason Why.  For most people: it is because their parents made them;  But ask and study people to find out why people believe in God.

Step 7  Accept that you are biased.  Since you were a child, people you love have told you what to believe about God and religion.  It is not possible to simple put this aside and be objective.  You’ve been brainwashed, and doubting your faith will bother you – if not hurt.  Maybe tell yourself that if your faith is correct, it will prevail and you’ll be stronger.  If it is wrong, then you’ll learn something.  Either way, you have nothing to loose.  Don’t fall victim to the guilty feeling you may have.  If you are a believer, tell yourself God gave you a brain to use and should expect you to use it to the best of your ability.

Step 8  Think about where blind faith harms you.  How much time, effort, and emotion have you put into your God and your faith, and have got nothing back?  What have you prayed for, when you should have been more proactive and taken control yourself?  Does your religion give equal rights to women?  Does your religion teach that the devil is a real problem? That most all other people on the planet will burn in hell of all eternity?  Does your religious leaders tell you your nation, race, or society is blessed above others on the planet?

Step 9  Make a list of others who God let down.  We all know believers who trusted in God, and were left alone.  Some have very sad stories becuase people look to god in times of dire needs.  The Christian business owner who trusts God will bring customers – only to see her company fail.  The employee who prays for a raise instead of working harder.  The child with cancer has a thousand people prayed for her – and dies for lack of proper health care.  The confident politician who prays to God for guidance instead of researching the best policy.

Step 10  Continue to go to church/mass/synagogue…   Go and listen carefully.  This will be an eye opener to you as you listen to what the spiritual leaders tell you.  You will find they won’t talk for more than a minute or two without saying something you know is a lie, and they probably know it is a lie also.  Look for the signs of brain-washing and deception. You will see them everywhere in the service.  Study brainwashing and cults, and then look at your own religion’s practices.  You will see the brainwashing in action and the cult members sitting around totally mesmerized.

Step 11  Do some advanced studies.  At some point, you will see that I may be right.  One way to check for yourself it to take any topic of interest, and become an expert on it.  It is not hard, and with Internet search engines, it does not take long.  Pick a topic like evolution, virgin birth, creation, Bible history, Saint Paul, slavery, women, death, sin, prayer, or any other topic in the Bible, and study it for a  week.  Get to know what the experts know about it.  Never will you find any evidence that there is a supernatural force in the universe playing any role in any part of our life or history. The more you study, the more you will satisfy yourself that we are correct.  And, if you don’t research deeply, you risk believing some nice sounding hogwash published by one religion or another.  They religions of the world have polished their pitch for hundreds and thousands of years, so dig ddep benieth the surface, and you will uncover the truth.

Step 12  Read my book Why Adam and Eve Created God, and tell others.  I wrote this book for you, and I really hope it will help you become a free thinker.  I was as firm a believer as anyone can be, but after years of research, the truth about God became so obvious.  We created God.  I hope you will enjoy my book and find comfort in understanding why so many people still cling to some faith or another.  We were all believers for many very good reasons, but not one of them has anything to do with God or anything supernatural.  I hope you and other will realize this, and I hope for a world where we are free of religious biases and prejudices.  I hope.





End of the World

Most religions predict the end of the world is coming soon.  For 2000 years, Christians have been predicting the imminent demise of civilization.  Scripture proclaims that the present age—the society as we know it today—will terminate in unimaginable destruction and violence that will climax with the return of Jesus Christ. In the New Testament Bible, more than 300 verses refer to the end of times. They are always wrong.

Christian numerologist David Meade who has written over a dozen books said that the Revelation prophecy will herald the arrival of planet Nibiru. Mr Meade said: “The great sign of The Woman as described in revelation 12:1-2 forms and lasts for only a few hours. According to computer generated astronomical models, this sign has never before occurred in human history. It will occur once on September 23, 2017. It will never occur again. When it occurs, it places the Earth immediately before the time of the Sixth Seal of Revelation.”  September 23, 2017 passed and nothing happened.  David Meade reinforces the fact that Christian experts are often very wrong.

Don’t worry, December 21, 2012 has passed, and we are all still here.   Worrying that the world will end is another natural part of being human.  The Myans didn’t  really worry about it as much as Hollywood does.  But to many religions, it is something that is going to happen at any time.  Early Christians assumed the end would end very soon, probably within their lifetime.  The apostille Paul warned “now it is high time to awake out of sleep ; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed” (Romans 13:11)      Jesus reportedly said, “he who endures to the end shall be saved” (Matthew 24:13).

When Jesus’ disciples asked about the end of the world (Matthew 24:3) And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?  He responded by listing several warning signs. The first would be massive religious deception, including religious teachers who, while claiming to represent Him, would not follow His teachings but would deceive many through a counterfeit Christianity.  He also said there would be many wars and other conflicts between nations and ethnic groups.  He also spoke of famines,massive disease epidemics and earthquakes.

All of these predicted events occur regularly throughout history, and have been used to scare people into believing the will soon be judged.  In the 1960s and 1970s, preachers around the world told us the nuclear arms race was a sure sign of the end of times.   They were almost right, but now that the risk of nuclear winter has diminished, now the faithful are looking for new demons.  The fact that we are still here is proof that God does not exist.  He said he’d return and end the world and He did not.

So, why are there so many predictions of the end of the world?  We have a natural fear of death and destruction, and people make up these dooms-day predictions to play on everyone’s fears.  Just Google “end of the world” and you will find billions of pages, and thousands of websites that predict the end is coming very soon.  Some will predict it is happening any day.

The earth has been orbiting the son, and life evolving on this planet for billions of years.  It is quite illogical to think it will end any time soon.  Believers are told to turn off their brain, and never use logic when reading the Bible or listening to their religious leaders.  SO many preachers and websites will site the increase in natural disasters, such as earthquakes.   New is faster so many people seem to think more natural disasters are occurring.  But, look at the historical statistics, and disasters like earthquakes happen all the time. For billions of years.  Here is the plot of major earthquakes since the 1700s.

It does not look like the end of the world is near.   People made up these end of the world stories when they made up the rest of their religion.  We created God, His stories, and His myths.  How can I be su sure?  Not one end of the world prediction has ever come true! 🙂   Why people created God, and continue to believe these myths is fascinating. My bood Why Adam and Eve Created God brings this story to light.  Its natural to think about the end of the world, but read my book, and you enjoy our world more and worry about it less.




Why Many People Believe Religion?

When you ask ” Why Many People Believe Religion? ” you are asking a great question.

I have the answer for you.  Unlike so many websites, you can’t get a quick answer here because the answer to Why Many People Believe Religion? is complex, and has hundreds of fascinating aspects to it. Why people believe in god is a not talked about in polite society because so many of the reasons are very personal, embarrassing, and illogical.  Polite people don’t go around pointing out major faults with other’s lives.  I don’t want to either.  But I want to help people who believe in God to understand why people believe in god.

My book Why Adam and Eve Created God  answers this question for you.  The answer will amaze you, and you will find that believing in God is normal.  The hundreds of reasons people believe in God are so compelling, that most of the people on earth feel compelled to believe in some god or another.

Their own reason to believe in god is unique, and that is why we have created thousands of Gods.  See a list of gods here.

Obviously, the number one reason of why people believe in God:  Their parents made them.  Think about your faith, or your friends. Do they have the same god as their parents? Their grandparents?  In most cases yes.

But religious faith is much more complex, and I hope you take the time to read my book and understand the deaper meaning behind peopel’s faith.  The list of other reasons that people believe in god is very long, and different people need their god for different reasons.  When you understand the logic, psychology, history, social pressures, and science behind religious faith, you will understand religion so much better.  And if you still have some faith in a god, you will gain the courage to let go.




History of a God

We created a LOT of gods.  See a list of them here.  Some of them were created over and over.  The fact that different people we create gods that are similar could be used as proof that there must be a god, becuase so many people keep creating their own version of Him.

Most religious use ancient religious books to give their followers faith in their God. There is over a dozen popular religious books in the world. A quick list and description is shown here: http://wecreatedgod.com/list-of-religious-books/

Look at the god Futshunushi.  A god of war, thuner, and lightning. Futshunushi is a Japanese god of fire and lightning. Later he became a god of war and general of Amaterasu.

Vahagn was the third god of the Armenian Pantheon, a god of thunder and lightning.   He was was also a god of war.  An Armenian kings would pray to Vahagn before battle.

The Greeks worshipped Zeus, lord of the sky.  Zues was known for throwing lightening bolts.

Futshunushi, Vahagn, and Zues were created thousands of miles apart, and in very diverse cultures.  War and lightning are two very common powerful forces found everwhere on earth, so it isn’t suprising that everywhere on earth people created Gods associated with them.

Does our creation of Futshunushi, Vahagn, and Zues prove there must be a god?  Some would say YES because these gods were created thousands of miles apart, and in very diverse cultures.  It can’t be coincidence, right?  There must be some common motive to have created them, and that common motive is there must really be a god of war.

But, if we want to be honest, we must also admit war and lightening are also common.  Every culture has war and every culture as lighening.  When we needed gods to explain





My Faith Defines Me

This phrase is used by so many people.  From Vice President Joe Biden to local politicians.

My Faith Defines Me

It is also one reason I felt compelled to write my book and put up this website dedicated to religious freedom.  When a person running for for political office says his faith defines him, it is very very important we understand this faith.  In politics it is OK to say this, but to ever ask for an explanation or question the faith is unacceptable.  In 2012 we had two very religious men running for President.  For this first time, a Mormon(Mitt Romney) will be on the ballot. With no evidence of god, should we worry about a person who thinks there is one? And puts faith in this belief?  An controls the most powerful weapon arsenal in the world?

Our school systems do not teach religion, businesses are banned from discussing it, politicians and public servants cannot discuss it, and polite people do not bring it up in conversation with others who are not of the same religious persuasion.  This religious truce is necessary to maintain a certain harmony and civility in the workplace and our government offices, but when a candidate brings up faith, it is fair to ask for an explanation.

I can find no explanation from Mr. Romney’s speeches or web site about the details of his faith , so I’ll list some Mormon beliefs that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints currently embrace.   Read the list, and you’ll have to agree, it should be fair to ask about the faith of our Presidential candidates.

What do Mormons Believe:

  • Men and women will be punished by God for their sins.   Can a man who believes God will take care of injustice be as concerned as he should be about justice on earth?
  • Children under 8 years old are not accountable and cannot commit a sin.  This does seem right.
  • Mormons believe in revelation from God and the gift of prophesy.   Should the President be taking advice from prophets or waiting for a revelation from God to act?
  • Mormons believe they will go to Heaven when they die, and unbelievers go to hell.  When you are sure a much better life is awaiting you for all eternity, will you really make the best of this one?
  • Protective undergarments should be worn and must be purchased from the Mormon Church.  🙂
  • Anyone with dark skin had second-class status within the LDS church until 1978.  The Mormon church is slow and backwards with regards to women’s and African-American rights.  This should not define our leaders.
  • Tithing.  Ideally, everyone should give 10% of their income to Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Taxes are high enough.  Should our leaders endorse a faith that requires another 10% donation?
  • No coffee, no drugs, no tobacco, no Coca-Cola.  These are all legal products and our politicians should consider them for their merits and affects on society.  It would be wrong for a politician to suppress an industry because his God told him it is evil.
  • Women are not allowed to be priests.  Aside from a past filled with polygamy and abuse of women, the LDS church still refuses to give women equal rights.  No politician should hold this defining view.
  • A person can be forgiven for any sin.  This may sound polite and tolerant, but there are some things that are just wrong, and there is no making up for them.   Bin Laden found this out, and a leader that would forgive a Bin Laden is not a leader.

But Don’t Worry About Politicians

All this said, we know most believers really are not true believers, and it is unlikely Mitt Romney is “defined by his faith”.  He’s pragmatic, and to get elected a politician must say they have some religion.  The faithful voters want to vote for believers, regardless of the faith.  An atheist has never been  President of the USA(that we know of), but a few presidents may have been closet atheists.

This does show how powerful religion is.  Men and women smart enough to achieve political office still cling to some form of religion.  Read my book “Why Adam and Eve Created God” to find out why people believe in God.