Why Adam and Eve Created GOD

Who created God. Why we believe in GOD.

Entries for the ‘Religion – History’ Category

History of a God

We created a LOT of gods.  See a list of them here.  Some of them were created over and over.  The fact that different people we create gods that are similar could be used as proof that there must be a god, becuase so many people keep creating their own version of Him. Most religious […]

A List of Religions

A List of Religions Major Abrahamic religions Christianity,Judaism, Islam, Christian – Lutheran Religions Apostolic Lutheran Church of America, Association of Free Lutheran Congregations, Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America, Church of the Lutheran Confession, Concordia Lutheran Conference, Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference, Evangelical Lutheran Church “Concord” (Russia) , Evangelical Lutheran Free Church (Germany), Evangelical Lutheran […]

A list of Gods

People have come up with a LOT of gods.  If you read Why Adam and Eve Created God, you will understand why we created Gods and why most people still believe in one of them.  The supernatural God of the Bible may not exist, but Gods have been created by men and women for thousands of years.  Here […]