Why Adam and Eve Created GOD

Who created God. Why we believe in GOD.

Entries for December, 2012

12 Steps to Free Thinking

12-step programs are typically put together by Christians to cure addictions or change a person.  This 12-step program is designed to help you understand Christians, yourself, and gain the confidence to express your own view of God. Step 1  Admit you may not know everything there is to know about God and religion.  There are a […]

End of the World

Most religions predict the end of the world is coming soon.  For 2000 years, Christians have been predicting the imminent demise of civilization.  Scripture proclaims that the present age—the society as we know it today—will terminate in unimaginable destruction and violence that will climax with the return of Jesus Christ. In the New Testament Bible, more than 300 […]

Why Many People Believe Religion?

When you ask ” Why Many People Believe Religion? ” you are asking a great question. I have the answer for you.  Unlike so many websites, you can’t get a quick answer here because the answer to Why Many People Believe Religion? is complex, and has hundreds of fascinating aspects to it. Why people believe in god […]

History of a God

We created a LOT of gods.  See a list of them here.  Some of them were created over and over.  The fact that different people we create gods that are similar could be used as proof that there must be a god, becuase so many people keep creating their own version of Him. Most religious […]