The God Particle Makes God Unnecessary
On the 4th of July, 2012 God became totally unnecessary. Scientists using the Large Hadron Collider announced that they observed a new particle that is consistent with the Higgs boson theory. What could this have to do with God? A lot! In fact, the Higgs particle is nicknamed "The God Particle."
For 400 years, "Descartes First Proof" has been used by all faiths as proof that God exists. Descartes (1596-1650) quoting a roman philosopher named Lucretius when he said: "Ex nihilo nihil fit", meaning "Nothing comes from nothing". This makes total sense to everyone. And his argument for God has stood the test of time and logic, helping make believers out of many a skeptic.
If you accept Descartes premise that God must exist because nothing comes from nothing, then you must also accept the notion that if something can come from nothing, God is not needed as the creator. Be honest with yourself and consider the implications of the Higgs particle.
In 1964, Peter Higgs predicted the existence of an amazing sub-atomic particle. He theorized that Higgs field must give mass to other particles that have no mass. The notion of something with no mass is in itself hard to comprehend, but for those exceptionally brilliant men and women who dedicate their lives to particle physics, they understand this. They know (and can prove) that elementary particles obtain the property of “mass” through interaction with the Higgs field. Elementary particles transition from something with no mass to something with mass via the Higgs field.
Is this a bit hard to understand and believe? Yes. But these brilliant men and women not only spend their lives working on these incomprehensible (to most of us) problems, but they spent billions of Euros erecting the Large Hadron Collider to test their theories. Thousands of scientists from around the globe have reviewed their work and concur. God is not the only thing that can create something. The Higgs field around the Higgs particle created all mass and matter in the universe, including you, and me. We then created God.
The Higgs field pervades the universe. When a sub-atomic particle with no mass travels through the Higgs field, it becomes massive. It become something with mass without getting the mass from anything else. The mass appears out of nothing. Something from nothing.
Trust the Experts
Many of us were brought up to distrust science. I was taught in high-school that the earth is about 6000 years old, and evolution is a hoax. The Bible was a trusted science book in my school. So when scientists proclaim they found the “God Particle”, and it disproves Descartes, many believers simply throw this incomprehensible discovery on the large pile of facts they wish ignore. It disagrees with what their religion taught, so it must be ignored. And discoveries as complex as the Higgs boson are easy to ignore, because most of us, no matter how hard we try, cannot truly understand sub-atomic physics.
Brilliant men and women with PHDs struggle to understand how the universe works, so its easy for the rest of us to ignore them. Listen to the people with PHDs to get your science and trust their expertise and dedication to finding truth. What they are uncovering about the physics of the universe is truly amazing. And there is a good chance you’ve never been taught about this if you got your education from a believer in God.
Here are just some of the amazing physical properties of our universe. These aren’t theories. The following 10 amazing facts are accepted principles describing the universe you and I live in. They are disturbing to many religions, and may not be taught in science classes because this knowledge might make someone think the universe is more complex than the simple garden God created for Adam and Eve.
10 Amazing Facts of the Universe
1. There is almost nothing in the universe! All matter is over 99.9999999999999% empty space. Your body is 99.9999999999999% empty space. Concrete is 99.9999999999999% empty space. And this assumes classical atomic sizes where protons are about 1.5×10−41 cubit meters in diameter. The truth is, a proton is made up of two sub-atomic particles called quarks, which themselves have no measurable size. These small particles act more like waves.
2. The “Force of Gravity” does not exist. There are many forces in nature. Magnetic, nuclear, electromagnetic, centrifugal,… But gravity isn’t a classical force in nature — it is a phenomena. We experience gravity because large massive objects warp our space/time continuum. When space and time are warped, we do not travel in a strait-line though time, but rather our path is bent as we travel through space and time, and this bending makes us move relatively closer to the objects with mass. Einstein won the Nobel prize in 1921 for this discovery, and yet 80 years later, most people still do not understand gravity.
3. The universe could fit in a suitcase. Because all matter is mostly empty space, in our time/space view of the universe, if all empty space were removed and everything in the whole universe compressed to the “Plank Density”, it would fit inside a suitcase. Now, as matter is compressed and densities increase, time and space would be warped making measurements meaningless and one could argue the suitcase is as large as the universe. Read Stephen Hawkings and other experts who publish fascinating books that will open up the universe to you.
4. At the center of our galaxy (and most others), is a Black Hole. A single black-hole can have a mass equal to 3,000,000 suns! It can swallow a whole planet or sun, and they often do. Considering one sun is 109 time larger than our earth, a black hole 3,000,000 times heavier than our sun is humbling. It makes an earthling feel insignificantly small. No one can think about the size of universe without realizing that in the vast universe, we are not significant.
5. Most of the universe is missing. There are probably more than 100,000,000,000 galaxies in the universe. And one galaxy will have millions to trillions of stars and planets in it. This sounds like a lot of stuff, but when calculating the mass of the universe, physicists find that all the galaxies account for less than 5% of the universe. NASA theorizes that 70% of the universe is “dark energy” and 25% of the universe is “dark matter”. The continue to map the matter in various galaxies to better understand the nature of the dark matter.
6. Something can come from nowhere. The Higgs field pervades the universe. When a sub-atomic particle with no mass travels through the Higgs field, it becomes massive. It become something with mass without getting the mass from anything else. The mass appears out of nothing. Something from nothing.
7. There are certain things God cannot do. Millions have looked, but no one has ever witnessed certain laws of physics being broken. Nothing with mass has traveled faster than the speed of light (299,792,458 meters-per-second). Nothing has ever been colder than absolute zero (–273.15 degrees Celsius). These laws of physics have never been broken, even by anybody’s God.
8. Matter can disappear into thin air. Matter in the Universe is made up of a small number of elementary particles, which include quarks and electrons. Associated with each elementary particle is an ‘antiparticle’ . The antiparticle has the same mass as the particle, but has the opposite charge. When a particle and an antiparticle combine, they produce a photon, or a particle of light, and their mass disappears. Their matter no longer exists – in a flash of light.
9. We can look back in time. The universe is about 150 billion light years across, and our best telescope, Hubble, can see things 13 billion light years away. When it looks at something 13 billion light years away, the it is looking back in time 13 billion years. It sees the image that was made 13 billion years ago. The nearest star is 4 light years away, so when we look at it, we see back in time 4 years ago. Many religion say the universe was made only 6000 years ago, but when we look back 6000 years, we don’t see anything unusual. When we look back 13 billion years in time, we see a lot of fascinating activity, and a very big bang.
10. It all started with a Bang. Albert Einstein predicted it, George Lemaitre proposed the theory, Fred Hoyle named it, Edwin Hubble witnessed it, and NASA continues to measure and map it. The Big Bang is not a theory. It is fact. It is a model describing how the universe came to have the properties we see it has. For many years to come, great minds will be perfecting the model, but the universe certainly started with what we would call a bang, over 13 billion years ago.
If you were raised a Christian, some of these 10 amazing facts of the universe may be new to you. Every day, scientists are expanding their understanding of how the universe was made. It is amazing what they find. When you want to know “Who Made God?” read Why Adam and Eve Created God, and you will be equally amazed at all the reasons we created God.
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