Why Adam and Eve Created God

Who created God. Why we believe in God.

A List of Religions

A List of Religions

Major Abrahamic religions Christianity,Judaism, Islam,
Christian –
Lutheran Religions
Apostolic Lutheran Church of America, Association of Free Lutheran Congregations, Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America, Church of the Lutheran Confession, Concordia Lutheran Conference, Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference, Evangelical Lutheran Church “Concord” (Russia) , Evangelical Lutheran Free Church (Germany), Evangelical Lutheran Synod (United States) ,Lutheran Church of Central Africa Malawi Conference,Lutheran Church of Central Africa Zambia Conference, Ukrainian Lutheran Church
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Evangelical Catholic Church, Kosovo Protestant Evangelical Church, Evangelical Community Church-Lutheran, Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America
International Lutheran Council, American Association of Lutheran Churches, Evangelical Lutheran Church – Synod of France and Belgium, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil, Evangelical Lutheran Church of England, Gutnius Lutheran Church, Independent Evangelical-Lutheran Church, Japan Lutheran Church, Lanka Lutheran Church, Laestadian Lutheran Church, Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Lutheran Church of China, Lutheran Church-International, Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ, Lutheran Evangelical Protestant Church, Lutheran Ministerium and Synod – USA, Lutheran World Federation, Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church, Arcot Lutheran Church, Batak Christian Protestant Church, Church of Denmark, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, Church of Iceland, Church of Norway, Church of Sweden, Church of the Faroe Islands, Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church, Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Madhya Pradesh, Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Himalayan States, Evangelical Lutheran Free Church of Norway, Gossner Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chotanagpur and Assam, Indian Evangelical Lutheran Church, Jeypore Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lutheran Church of Australia, Malagasy Lutheran Church, Northern Evangelical Lutheran Church, Simalungun Protestant Christian Church, South Andhra Lutheran Church, Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church
Christian –
Catholic Religions
Discalced Augustinians, Minims, Augustinians Recollects, Discalced, Carmelites, Servites, Franciscans, Capuchin Franciscans, Conventual Franciscans. Dominicans, Mercedarians, Carmelites, Augustinians, Trinitarians, Brothers of Penance, Carthusians, Hieronymites, Cistercians, Trappist, Baladites, Benedictines, Basilians, Pauline Fathers, Barnabites, Theatines, Piarists, Camilians, Jesuits, Canon Regulars, Norbertines, Premonstratensians, Holy Cross

What is the book of Revelation about?

The book’s name “Revelation” is very much a misnomer.  This book of the Bible is confusing to anyone who reads it, including all Christians.  Revelation often seems bizarre and incomprehensible, a clear indication that it was not written by God.  Revealing how the world will end is a very important topic.  If any person really know this, they could easily reveal it in an understandable way.  God would even do better – if he existed.  But Revelation was written by someone who didn’t have any idea when the world would end and was afraid to be clear about what he was saying.  For 1900 years, Christian Churches cite Revelation to prove God predicts the immanent end of the world.  During the Cold War, many people even used it to predict a coming nuclear Armageddon between the US and USSR.

Here are some interesting facts about the book of Revelation:

  1. The author used apocalyptic writing style to hid their message, because he/she was afraid the message of the book would get them in trouble with Roman authorities.
  2. Its message is:  when the time is right God will destroy evil and God’s eternal kingdom will be established.
  3. There is no reference to a “rapture” in it.
  4. There is no reference to an “anti-Christ” in it.
  5. Many early Christian church leaders opposed including Revelation in the Bible.


References:  Elaine Pagels, “Revelations: Visions, Prophecy & Politics in the Book of Revelation.”

Tornados and God


The weather patterns are excellent proof that God does not exist.  Weather is unpredictable, and filled with many random events.  Can random events prove something?  Absolutely.  Certainly, the sun, oceans, terrain and many factors affect weather, but the weather is one of those things that God is supposed to have a hand in.  And when the weather turns bad, the God of all Christians, Jews, and Muslims can protect them from it.  This God punishes the unfaithful with storms.  But does He?

Virtually no Muslims, Buddhists, Mormons, or Hindus are killed by tornados, yet Tornado alley plows right through the heart of America’s Bible belt.  Western Europe is the second-most pummeled area by tornadoes.  Dozens to hundreds of Christians are killed every year by tornados, and the horrific tragedies we see in the news now must tug at everyone’s faith in their God.  Is God punishing Christians for something?   The Christian God protects his people, loves them, and loves children.  As we look around the country and the globe, bad weather happens with no religious bias – except tornados killing Christians.  It is simply the demographics of the residents of tornado alley.  God does not hate Christians.  He does not care for them because – He simply does not exist.

Tornados, floods, wild-fires, deadly cold.  These kill mothers, children, believers, and unbelievers alike.  And when they strike, no intellectually honest person can say God did a loving job.  What a F4 tornado or a Cat 5 hurricane does to people’s lives is horrible, and brings any loving person to tears.  We all would have stopped the storm and if we could, would spare the children, women, and men from being crushed, drown, and ripped apart.  We mere mortals have such compassion and God is infinitely times more caring.  Where is He?

The fact is, God is nowhere to be found.  There is no god. As families huddle in their basements praying to God that he spare them from the tornado, the sad truth is, no one is listening.  Tornados kill more Christians than any other religion.  Not because God hates Christians, but because tornado alley runs right through the Bible belt of America.  Why can’t God stop a tornado?  Because he isn’t.


The Immorality of the Gods

Who made God?  Look at the ethics of every religion, and you will see proof that we created religion and we created the Gods.  The moral principles that guide religions are very human.  The Gods have human personalities.  Every religion claims to have the highest moral standards.  Obviously, it is impossible for each religion to be the best.  But they all have good, bad, great and absurd ideals.  The bad ones and absurd ideas may have been normal many years ago, but right now morals based upon religious principles are in no way universally good ideas.  Religions have good and bad moral standards.  Look at the moral lessons in any religion, and see if you see divine perfection.  All you will see is that someone very human created God. Who made God? We created God in our image.

When discussing morals, the faithful will express the moral code of the day as if they invented it.  Sure all religions have good ideas, but look at the bad ones.  They usually hide these in the closet.  But they are there, and we’ never know when one will be taken out.  If you think your religion has outstanding virtue, moral authority, or impeccable ethics — read on.  Following are just some of the bad ideas your faith has.  Google around and double-check the references below.  They really are that bad, and are not taken out of context.  You will see that every faith has many absolutely despicable ideas.

Christian Immorality:

Leviticus 20:10  “If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife–with the wife of his neighbor–both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.
Death for making love.  It is a common theme.  Without defending adultery, it is impossible to defend capitol punishment for it.  We should be glad none of our Christian politicians and judges actually believe the Bible.

Leviticus 24:16  “Whoever blasphemes the name of the LORD shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall stone him. The sojourner as well as the native, when he blasphemes the Name, shall be put to death.
Death for blaspheme.  We see no sign of tolerance, religious freedom, or compassion.

Exodus 21:7  “If a man sells his daughter as a female slave, she is not to go free as the male slaves do.
Slavery and sexism.  The Christian who defends this as “The Word of God” needs help.  I’m trying to.

Leviticus 24:16  “and when the LORD your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally.  Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.
We see no sign of tolerance, religious freedom, or compassion.  Show no mercy?

Leviticus 25:44  “As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are around you.
We decided over a hundred years ago that slavery was a horrible institution.  It took us that long because Christians around the globe knew God gave them permission to own others.  And this is not just an Old-testament law.
Ephesians 6:5Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.”  Slavery is totally immoral.  Christians were finally forced to stop owning slaves, but it took horrible battles and millions of deaths to make them free their captives.

Deuteronomy 21:10  “When you go to war against your enemies and the LORD your God delivers them into your hands and you take captives, if you notice among the captives a beautiful woman and are attracted to her, you may take her as your wife. Bring her into your home and have her shave her head, trim her nails. and put aside the clothes she was wearing when captured. After she has lived in your house and mourned her father and mother for a full month, then you may go to her and be her husband and she shall be your wife.
The USA forbids its soldiers from taking even trinkets as spoils of war, but God told his people its OK to bring home pretty girls.  The God who wrote this was certainly a man with sexuality issues.
1 Samuel 15:3  Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.
God commanded his people to kill babies and innocent people.  Even George Bush showed more compassion when instructing his invasion troops.  Bush was smarter than God?

2 Kings 2:23  “From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some youths came out of the town and jeered at him. “Go on up, you baldhead!” they said. “Go on up, you baldhead!”.  He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD.  Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths.
Come on, they were just kids!.  If it is OK to kill children for jeering, what other punishments are Ok to inflict on children?

Proverbs 13:24  “He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.
Some will say this isn’t about beating children.  It is.  And many in the church follow this advise ferociously.
Proverbs 23:14Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die.  Punish him with the rod and save his soul from death.”
As they beat their child, the parent warmly feels justified saving his soul.  This clearly instructs parents to seriously beat children.  To the drunk redneck dead-beat dad, this is a license to abuse.

Matthew 10:35   Jesus:For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.
Many of us cannot conceive of our family being the enemy.  Our family is not our enemy.  Ignorance is.

Matthew 19:29  “Jesus said to them… “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life .
We hope few men and women hold these family values.  Nothing is worth abandoning family for.

2 Thessalonians:11  “For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
People who don’t believe in God are delusional and wicked.  This message is not very tolerant.  Not at all.

Mark 10:25  Jesus: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
The moral message:  Capitalism is evil.  I have no desire to be a communist, although Jesus lived a communal life and distained capitolism.
Matthew 6:24No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.”
Yes, Jesus is a communist.  Some people embrace communism, but capitalism is the driving force in the world is not evil.

Proverbs 11:28  “Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf.
This is plain lazy.  You will thrive if you work hard, apply yourself, and do what is necessary to succeed.

Mark 7:25  “In fact, as soon as she heard about him, a woman whose little daughter was possessed by an evil spirit came and fell at his feet.
Raising a child can be a challenge, but passing kids off a possessed is negligent parenting.

2 John 1:10  “If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into your house or welcome him.”
Instead, I’d recommend we meet and greet everyone with a friendly smile and open heart.

1 John 2:15 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”
Don’t love anything in the world?  This must have been written by a guy who never meet a great woman.  Many of us happily think love makes the world go around…

Proverbs 22:27 Do not be a man who strikes hands in pledge or puts up security for debts.”
We owe it to the men and women who sacrificed their life for our country, to say the national pledge with pride.  Co-signing on a loan is just a nice thing to do.  Its OK to be proud and nice. 

10 Commandments

In Exodus 20:2-17 Moses laid out the “10 commandments”.  These are still revered, and even placed prominently in public places.  Few people actually think about them.  Take a look and you’ll see some are OK suggestions, and a few are bad ideas.

1. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.
This is the definition of religious intolerance.  How can we all get along if God commands you not to tolerate other people’s faith?  Ignore this one.

2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments.
Another shot at religious freedom.  And I personally like fine carved art.  Ignore this one also.

3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
Everyone breaks this one.  God dang it.  Jesus!  OMG!    It’s OK.  Don’t worry about #3 either.  It’s a pointless commandment.

4.  Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
Saturday is a great day to get things done.  Do laundry, mow the grass, go to a ball game, and play with your kids.  I highly recommend trying your best to break this one every week.

5. Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
Honor people who deserve it, but don’t get carried away with it.  It’s your life, and if you can do more than your parents will let you… go for it.  Many children have bad parents and are way better off getting out on their own.  When daddy rapes his daughter, or mom’s heroin addiction gets in the way of your home work, its time to dishonor.  I hope you have parents worthy of honor it like I do, but not everyone does. 

6.  You shall not murder.
A great every-day rule to live by.  But…  there is a time for everything.  Self defense.  Battle.  Executing a serial killer.  This is one commandment to live and govern by, but still not hard and fast rule.   If it were, Osama Bin Laden would still be here.

7.  You shall not commit adultery.
No arguments here.  Be good, be true, honor your vows.  But, should we execute women for adultery as the Bible suggests?

8.  You shall not steal.
Another great rule to live by.  That makes 3.  But, if you define taking something that is not yours “stealing”, we’ll have to grant an exception to the government so they can collect income taxes.

9.  You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

10.  You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.
Violating this one makes the world go around.  We all covet and should not be ashamed of it.  Cars replaced donkeys, and more work now gets done by people striving to buy a fast car  or nicer house than the Joneses.

So out of the “10 Commandments”, I see 4 really good ones, a couple suggestions to think about, and the rest should be replaced with better ideas.  There are much better commandments we could consider making.  Back in Biblical days these ideas were normally embraced by god-fearing people, but right now, any of these ideas are better than most of the the 10 above.

    • No slavery
    • Don’t hurt children
    • Don’t have sex with children
    • Stop genocide before it starts
  • Take responsibility for your actions
  • Work hard to learn everything you can
  • Help the needy and mentally challenged
  • Volunteer to help others and your community
  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Jewish Immorality

I already quoted many Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) texts that have bad moral lesions, and the 10 Commandments are also revered by Jews, but Jewish traditions contain some poor ideas.  In general, modern Judaism is more liberal, and has abandoned and changed many of the traditional Jewish ideas.  This evolution has made it acceptable to many more segments of our society.  Jewish oral traditions and a willingness to embrace reasoning and logic when interpreting their laws help make Judaism a relatively peaceful and honorable faith.  More than most others.  But, there are Jewish traditions that are just not right.

Leviticus 18:22  “A man shall not lie with another man as he would with a woman, it is a to’eva
The term to’eva is usually translated as “abomination”.   Viewing other’s sexual orientation as an abomination is not very friendly.

Deuteronomy 14:2  “For you are a holy people to YHWH your God, and God has chosen you to be his treasured people from all the nations that are on the face of the earth.”
History does not seem to substantiate this passage.  When one race that thinks it is better than all others, history shows that bad things can happen.

War and Peace in the Jewish Tradition: Rabbi Broyde:  “War is the collective battle of societies, R. Ariel posits, and thus there are no innocent civilians, even babes in their mothers’ arms are to be killed, as harsh as that sounds.”
This ancient Jewish tradition of collective punishment is certainly outdated now, and hopefully ignored.

Islamic Immorality

Muslims carry much of the moral baggage that Christians bear in the Old Testaments, but Muhammad didn’t release Muslims from the ancient laws like Jesus and Paul did for the Christian.  Instead, he loaded even more on.  Unfortunately, many are harsh, cruel, and unjust and most versions of Islam refuse to evolve to more tolerant, peaceful, or honorable ways.

Sahih Bukhari V3, Book48, #826:  The Prophet said, “Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?” The women said, “Yes.” He said, “This is because of the deficiency of a woman’s mind.”
The Islamic view of women is simply
despicable.  Men raised to believe that women are only half the value of men are oppressing and abusing women around the globe, particularly in the middle east.

Sahih Bukhari V2, Book24, #541:  “O women! Give alms, for I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-Fire were you (women).” The women asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! What is the reason for it?” He replied, “O women! You curse frequently, and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. O women, some of you can lead a cautious wise man astray.” ”
Again, the Islamic view and treatment of women is simply
despicable.   And Muslim girls are raised up to believe this.  If they know nothing else, they’ll believe it.  Sad.

Sharia Law in Iran:  a)Women are deficient in their natural and “innate” potentials and abilities b)Encourages male violence against women within the family and society c)Girls come of age for punishments 6 years before boys   d)Women who appear without the sharia’ covering in public will be condemned to prison or a cash fine of 50,000 to 500,000 rials  e) Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani was convicted in May 2006 of adultery, and sentenced to death by stoning.
Islamic Law in
Iran exemplifies of the problem of using a religion as a moral or legal guide.  Unfortunately for millions of women living there, they will endure it for life.  Don’t believe this?  Look at the Taliban in Afghanistan or England in the 1500s.  They’re not any better theocracy.

Sahih Bukhari V9, Book84, #64:  “O women! Give alms, for I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-Fire were you (women).” The women asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! What is the reason for it?” He replied, “O women! You curse frequently, and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. O women, some of you can lead a cautious wise man astray.” ”
Again, the Islamic view and treatment of women is simply
despicable.   And Muslim girls are raised up to believe this.  If they know nothing else, they’ll believe it.  Sad.

Quran 9:5  “Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush.  But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”
Some who wish may read this as a sign of Allah’s mercy.  A suicide bomber takes it as a command.  Any intelligent person can see that this is hateful and inciting of violence.

The Golden Rule

In nearly all the world’s religions claim to follow “The golden Rule” :

“Treat others as you would like to be treated”

As such, the golden rule is perhaps the most basic of the personal virtues.  But do believers follow it?  Take a close look, and see.  Most religions ignore this Ethic of Reciprocity.  Yes, they want to be treated kindly, but do they practice it?  Look at their histories, teachings, and their actions.  They don’t follow the Golden rule unless it is convenient.  Their religion is not made by a God, its made by some guys who can’t even agree on the most basic of human rights.

The First Commandment:   Christians don’t say honor our God like you do your own.  They say – No Other Gods. Period.  No toleration and no reciprocation. And this is their first commandment.

Crimes Against Humanity:  Many religions have a long history of torture and intolerance of other religions.  The Catholic inquisition.  Protestant witch burnings.  The Crusades, Colonization of the Americas, Slaughter of Native American Indians,  Massacre of Australian aborigines, Slavery in Africa and the Americas, the Spanish Inquisition, the burning alive of “heretics”, Terrorism in Ireland, faith-based Executions in Geneva,
All of these events were instigated or backed by various religions. Most people still belong to one form of the organizations that perpetrated these crimes.

Abuse of Women:  “Others” are also women.  Virtually every religion treats women different than men.  Many abuse their women and tell them God wants it that way. Within many faiths “Do unto others” does not apply to women.  Muslims give women only half the respect, power, education, and rights as men.  Lutherans don’t allow women to preach to men or vote in church matters.  Mormons allow men as many wives as they want.  Catholics argued vehemently against women’s right to vote.  Obviously men made up these religions.

Crime and Punishment:  People who think demons causes people to do bad will look at criminals as demons.  Can they really treat these possessed “others” with compassion or as they would be treated?   Do they?  America is a very religious country, and it imprisons the highest percentage of its citizens than any other country in the world.

Ruled by God: Look at countries where state religions were established.   Islam in Iran and Saudi Arabia show little inclination to follow the golden rule.  When Christians established the Church of England, they forced other faiths out of the country, burned women, and executed heretics.  The poor were virtually slaves to land owners.  The rulers didn’t treat the peasants like they wanted to be treated.  The “Holy Roman Empire” was run by the Pope and his Christian armies terrorized much of the world.  Is there any state religion that ever treated its citizens the way its leaders wanted to be treated?  No, because they are run by men, and occasionally women, not God.

God Buried in the Noise

Noise is everywhere in the universe, and where we find noise, people will see God.  But a careful study of noise reveals there is no supernatural force playing with it.   A humorous example is the visions of The Virgin Mary in a pizza (Houston 2007).    In fact, there is a whole book dedicated to visions of just Mary (The Star of the Magi).  The random events of our world are often attributed to God, even cheese patterns.  As mankind’s understanding of nature has improved, fewer and fewer things are left to God.  He now remains buried in the noise.  There will always be random events, and so there will always be ways to see God if you really need to.

The random events in our universe are often used as proof of God.  They seem so mysterious, that many want to believe they are supernatural.  The random noise and sporadic events actually provide us with excellent evidence that there is no God manipulating the universe.  If you want to see evidence of God, you will see it in random events and the noise in our life.   Is this proof of God?  Anyone with a basic understanding of logic and statistics can see that random events are not related to anything, much less a God.

In engineering terms, noise is the random background fluctuation of most everything we do or find in nature.  Transistors have thermal noise.  Engines have vibration noise.  LEDs have light noise.  If we make a pizza, the distribution of the sauce and cheese will have random fluctuations.  Even the best pizza maker cannot spread the ingredients perfectly even.  Everything we make or do has some completely random variation.  When that one-in-a-million random event happens that cheese pizza looks like a Madonna’s face – that is totally normal.  Mathematicians even call the distribution of purely random events the “normal” curve.

And there is another kind of noise.  There is the background noise of most every natural process due to the physics of the atom.  Tune a car radio between stations on the dial, and you can listen to it.  This noise is due to random atomic fluctuations within the wires of you car, creating a small (about 0.000001 volts) noise voltage that you can actually hear.  The equation for the average noise voltage is:
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
P = k_B \,T \Delta f<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Everything that happens in the universe has some random noise component to it.  The faithful are taught that this is were God lives, and that is how He manipulates the universe.

So why the physics and mathematics lesson in noise?  A few reasons:

  1. People we trust lie about noise.  Parents tell their children God controls random events.  Our political leaders tell us prayer will help stop random events from happening.  Our friends say God blessed them when they get lucky.
  2. Almost nobody fully understands the mathematics behind the statistics and the physics of the universe.  It is unlikely you do.  I know I don’t, and I have advanced education in math, science, and engineering.
  3. Random events and universal noise exhibit the strongest evidence that there is no God controlling them.

I do have a good understand how noise works, and with just a basic understanding of it, you will see how all events people attribute to God are very normal.  They are not supernatural.  And the actions of random events can in some ways be accurately predicted.  For example, flipping a coin is a 50/50 chance of heads or tails, but with 99.99% certainty, we can predict that after one million flips, about 50% of the time it will be heads. If it came up only 10% of the time heads, that would be a miracle and case for God controlling it.  But this never happens.  Its always 50/50.

We may not be able to predict purely random events, but we can determine their probably outcome.  They are “deterministic”.  As Morton Tavel says in Contemporary Physics and the Limits of Knowledge: “I have some good news and some bad news.  The good news is that many important macroscopic processes previously thought to the random are indeed deterministic.  The bad news is that these deterministic processes are unpredictable!”.

Why Noise Shows Us God Is Not Here

Random Happens

The God described in the Bible, the Torah, and the Quran controls the universe.  The things he can do are amazing, and the thing he supposedly will do for His believers is equally impressive.  When random events occur, if they cause something good to happen, many will quickly point to God’s handiwork.  This is not intellectually honest, but does reinforce the faith.  As we know, proving the negative statement: “God did not make the event occur” is virtually impossible.  Inability to prove God didn’t control the event reinforces the notion that He did control it.  And some random events are very very improbable.  Cures for certain ailments are almost impossible, so when they happen, it seems a miracle must have happened and is hard to prove otherwise.  If the patient lives, “It’s a miracle”.

Look at the random events around us, and you will see the proof that God is not in control.  Proving a positive statement is easy, and there are so many positive statements attributed to God, finding God would be easy – if he were there.  Remember, the God described in the Bible, the Torah, and the Quran controls the universe.  Evidence of this control would be very easy to see and even measure.  All we need to do is listen for God in the noise.  See if random events aren’t random but show some signs of God.  See if God is in control.  It is easy to prove a positive statement such as “God is in control”, and if the proof does not exist, intelligent people will take this as good evidence that God is not here.

Look at the evidence of God in the noise.  Weather, earthquakes, illness, car accidents, and hard-drive failures.  It is easy to determine if God is in control.


Weather is very unpredictable, and filled with random events.  Sure, the sun, oceans, terrain and many factors affect it, but it is unpredictable and is one of those things that God is supposed to have a hand in.  And when the weather turns bad, the God of all Christians, Jews, and Muslims can protect them from it.  Does He?

The God we hear about is a good God and protects his people, loves them, and loves children.  As we look around the country and the globe, bad weather happens totally randomly.  We don’t see signs of love, compassion, or caring in it.  Tornados, floods, wild-fires, deadly cold.  These kill mothers, children, believers, and unbelievers alike.  And when they strike, no intellectually honest person can say God did a loving job.  What a F4 tornado or a Cat 5 hurricane does to people’s lives is horrible, and brings any loving person to tears.  We all would have stopped the storm and if we could, would spare the children, women, and men from being crushed, drown, and ripped apart.  We mere mortals have such compassion and God is infinitely times more caring.  Where is He?

The fact is, God is nowhere to be found.  As families huddle in their basements praying to God that he spare them from the tornado, the sad truth is, no one is listening.  In fact, tornados kill more Christians than any other religion.  Not because God hates Christians, but tornado alley runs right through the Bible belt of America.  Why can’t God stop a tornado?  Because He isn’t.



Yes, transistors can prove that God does not routinely twiddle with the workings of the universe.  If God routinely modified the way the universe works, the computer industry and the semiconductor industry would be destroyed.

Believers in God are sure that he routinely modifies natural events to suit His needs and help His followers.  But the only events they ever point to as evidence for God are events that randomly go their way.  God is never found in anything that requires precision or has measurable results. Why, because there is no God twiddling with the precision of our universe.

For example an Intel Xeon microprocessor has 1,900,000,000 transistors in it.  It typically runs at 2GHz while accessing a couple gigabytes of RAM. So in one hour, the number of times some transistor in a computer will switch on/off or do its job is approximately 136,800,000,000,000,000,000,000.  Inside your computer, this on/off switching happens perfectly this many times every hour.  And computer chips require their transistor to switch so they can add, subtract, multiply, and divide.  These chips can run millions of lines of software code every seconds.  Millions of times a second they compute such things as 1+1=2.   And if just once, the microprocessor in your computer computed 1+1=3, the computer would crash.  If physics of the transistor changed so that they computed 1+1=0, all computers on the planet would crash.


I’ve been a computer engineer for 30 years, and never have I ever heard another engineer or computer executive say they had a production problem due to demons or a devils invading a micro-processor.  Computer chips always calculate 1+1=2.  If there were a God twiddling with the physics of the universe, he sure must love the semi-conductor industry because computers have been adding 1+1 accurately for years.  Sure there are “Bugs”, but these are due to design errors.  Humans fix them.  When a transistor is fabricated properly, it works amazingly well.   The physics behind producing sub-micron transistor circuits that can perform billions of complex operations every second is incredibly complex.  And every day, the semiconductor fabs of the world crank-out trillions of transistors that reliably do their job.  If the physics of silicon atoms changed even slightly, the factories would quickly go silent.  But this never happens.  Intel can reliably put almost 2 billion transistors on a IC chip, and be certain the chips will work.  Regardless of how their competitors pray to God that their ICs would work better than Intel’s, Intel transistors keep working.

The God most believers trust is supposed to be all around us.  He stops accidents from happening. He improve weather.  He kills micro-organisms that make us sick.  He blesses the activities of his followers.  All these actions are noisy random processes.  Good and bad random events always occur.   But look at a process like semiconductor fabrication.   Fabricating a silicon die with billions of transistors requires a precise control of the random aspects of the semiconductors involved, and smart humans have mastered it.  If some factory staffed by atheists, or whatever religion you feel is evil, could not make a transistor work, it would show us a God is here.  But when it comes to predictable scientific processes, we do not see some companies rewarded and others punished.  Atheists can make just as fine of transistors as Christians, Jews, Muslims, and all other religions.  When did you ever read an Annual Report of a corporation who reported it failed to meet its production goals because God would not allow their production processes to work?  It never happens.  Why?  We Created God.


Sickness has long been used as proof that God loves his followers and helps them when they need it.  People get sick, then they pray, and they get better.  The believers connect these dots, and say it proves God healed them.  Televangelists make millions of dollars betting on this.  The pray for sick people in their audience, knowing that some of them will get better, and hopefully give them credit for it.  For many terrible diseases, its purely random chance whether a person contract it, and lives through it.  It is a terribly sad for those who experience the death of a loved on due to a random bad health problem.  There is nothing that will comfort them thought it, although many will look to their God  for some shred of emotional comfort.

Christians do get healed, so does this prove God is helping them?  Well, are God-fearing people healed more often than atheists?  No.  Does the FDA recommend prayer to a specific God to cure an infection?  No.  Are God-fearing nations such as Mexico or the Philippines so much more healthier than nations full of Atheists?  No.  Has God ever cured an amputee who lost both legs?  No.  Has God ever cured someone whose head was decapitated?

Look at how illness afflicts all people, and why the answers to all the above questions are “No”, and you will see that the random biological fluctuations of our race and population prove that the healing and loving God of the Bible does not exist.

A list of Gods

People have come up with a LOT of gods.  If you read Why Adam and Eve Created God, you will understand why we created Gods and why most people still believe in one of them.  The supernatural God of the Bible may not exist, but Gods have been created by men and women for thousands of years.  Here is a partial  list of Gods.  This list of Gods contains the names given to many of the Gods people created.  If you don’t believe that your God is made up, you must admit that 99.9% of these other Gods are made up.  If you believe in one of the Gods listed below, you must agree with me that all of the other gods on the list were made up. You may think that the one God you were told to believe in is the one real one, and the other 2000+ Gods are fictional, but think about the odds of this.  What are the odds that your parents chose the one real god to make you beleive in, and the other 2000+ are pure fiction?  Isn’t it just possible your God is no more real than the other 2000+ other Gods that the rest of the world believes in?

A Partial List of Gods

Sky Gods Hadad, Yahweh, Amun, Anhur, Nut, Shu, Hepit, An, Anshar, Anu, Enlil, Beelshamen, Aide, Latobius, Taranis, Ani, Ilmatar, Jamala, Ukko, Aether, Chaos, Hera, Iris, Nephalai, Caelus, Jupiter, Stribog, Sabazios, Pita, Indra, Saranyu, Varuna, Shangdi, Lei-Kung, tzanagi, Ao, Rangi, Tane-rore, Tawhirimatea, Uenuku, Tengri, Inmar, Anguta, Ataksak, Negafook, Torngarsuk, Quetzalcoatl, Cabaguil, Tzacol, Atahensic, Eototo, Kachina, Atua, Ira, Tangaloa, Abeguwo, Amai-te-rangi, Achaman, Achuhucanac, Xamaba, Utixo, Shango, Numakulla, Khonvoum, Denka, Badessy
Sun Gods Apallo, Helios, Eos, Agni, Mitra, Sol, Anyanwu, Magec, Mawu, Chup Kamui, Wala, Wuriupranili, Gnowee, Makakbel, Huitzilopochtli, Tonatuiuh, Saule, Base, Hurus, Amun, Atum, Ra, Sekhmet, Ptah, Albinia, Agni, Aryaman, Ravi, Surya, Arinna, Istanu, Inti, Akycha, Amaterasu, Neto, Endovelicus,  Ao, Ah Kin, Kinish Ahau, Tohil, Shamash, Utu, Wi, Lakota, Baldr, Dagr, Freyr, Nahundi, Atanua, Atarapa, Beiwe, Belobog, Dazbog, Hors, Zorya, Radegast, Koyash, Avatea, Fati, Ina, Kidili, Lona, Mahina, Marama, papare, Sina, Ui, Ngalindi, Almaqah, Arebati, Chons, Gleti, Hathor, Iah, Kalfu, Thoth, Yemaya, Ahau-Kin, Awilix, Chia, Chie, Coniraya, Coyolxauhqui, Huitaca, Igaluk, Ixbalanque, Ixchel, Jaci, Ka-Ata-Killa, mama Quilla, Menily, Metztli, Pah, Tarqiup Inua, Tecciztecatl, Toolgai
Thunder Gods Zues, Teshub, Adad, Hadad, Tarhunt, Brontes, Jupiter, Taranix, Thor, perkunas, Perendi, Gebeleizis, Ukko, Horagalles, Aplu, Atamshkai, Lei Gong, Ajisukitakahikone, Susanoo, Thunderbird, Xoloti, Chaac, Apacatequil, Cocijo, Aktzin, Haokah, Jasso, Tupa, Tunupa, Salar, Set, Chango, Oya, Azaka-tonnerre, Mulugu, Xevioso, Sango, Haikili, Tawhaki, Kahai, Te Uira, Namarrkun,
Moon Gods Aglibol, Jarih, Sin, Kusuh, Napir, Wadd, Ta’Lab, Abnoba, Phoebe, Artemis, Selene, Ataegina, Bendis, Kuu, Losna, Mani, Mano, Meness, Sirona, Zorya, Chang’e, Chup Kamui, Tsukuyomi
Creator  Gods God, Allah, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Mombo, Aturn, Ptah, Unkulunkulu, El, Esege, Kamuy, izanagi, Marduk, Rod, Ranginui, Demiurge, Pangu, יהוה, YHVH
Earth Gods Earth Mother,  Gaia, Poseidon, Geb, Enki, Enten, Ao Ao, Atum, Dhara, Emesh, Voltumna, Tu Di Gong, Texcatlipoca,
Time Gods Moarai, Ananke, Parcae, Camenae, Aeternitas, Nortia, Norns, Dalia, Laima, Lauma, Sudz, Fatres, Zurvan, Kan-Laon
Ocean Gods Triton, Atlacamani, Atlaua, Chalchiuhtlatonal, Tlaloc, Yam, Acionna, Boann, Dylan Eil Ton, Grannus, Lir, Modens, Sinann, Sequana, Daucina, Ahti, Vedenemo, Vellamo, Aegaeon, Akheilos, Amphitrite, Anapos,Brizo, Carcinus, Deto, Charybdis, Cymopoleia, Delphin, Doris, Eidothea, Eurybia, Galena, Claucus, Gorgons, Graeae, Harpies, Hippocampi, Ladon, Leucothea, Nereus, Mymphs, Oceanus, Pan, Palaemon, Phorcys, Pontus, Poseidon, patomoi, Proteus, Psamathe, Scylla, The Sirens, Tethys, Thalassa, Thaumas, Thetis, Triteia, Agwe, Clermeil, Pie, Kamohoalii, Namaka, Ukupanipo, Apam, Ganga, Varuna, Pariacaca, Paricia, Aipoaloovik, Alingnak, Arnapkapfaaluk, Sedna, Mizuchi, Ohoyamatsumi, Ryujin, Suijin, Ikatere, Tangaroa, Enbilulu, Enki, Marduk, Sirsir, nammu, Tiamat, Apsu, Aegir, Ran, Njord, Nehalennia, Nerthus, Nix, Davey Jones, Fontus, Neptune, Salacia, Volturnus, Bagiennik, Rusalki, Nyami, Yemaja, Mami Wata, Oshun, Okie, Opo
Death Gods Osiris, hades, Mictlantecuhtli, Ankou, Nergal, Iku, Tama, Mot, Morrigan, Anubis, Tuoni, Thanatos, Ghede, Ogbunabali, Azrael, Izanami, Kisin, Hine-nui-te-po, mara, Giltine, Dahaka, Morana, Mors, Pluto, Orcas, Dis pater, Erlik, Odin, Hel, Freyja, Erio,
Father Gods Ra, Zeus, El, Abba, Uranus, Yu-huang, Ahura mazda, Ikenga, Alusi, Dyeus, Zeus,
Mother Gods Isis, Hathor, Virgin Mary, Toci, Ninsun, Gaia, Rhea, Venus, Anu, Danu, Don, Anglii, Longobardi, Hludana, Durga, Shakti, Sheela na Gig, Sophia, Pachamama, Aruru,  Kubau, Hepa
Gods of Love Aphrodite, Eros, Prende, Cupid, Astghik, Xochiquetzal, Aizen Mo-o, Astarte, Qetesh, Aine, Cliodhna, Yue-lau, Te Er Shen, Bes, Hathor, Bastet, Albina, Turan, Himeros, Hedylogos, Hymenaios, Pothos, Kurupi, Kamadeva, Rati, Milda, Inanna, Ishtar, Frigg, Freyja, Sjofin, Venus, Dogoda, Lada, Siebog, Ziva, baran La Croix, Mami Wata,Oshun
Fertility gods Ala, Baal, Bridid, Cernunnos, Kichihoten,  mars, Ops, Partula, Terra, Venus, Liber, Beiwe, Rana Neijta, Damara, Damona, Epona, Nantosuelta, Onuava, Rosmerta, St. Anne, St margaret the virgin, Asase, Denka, Anahit, Aramazd, Chiconahui, Coatlicue, Huixtocihuatl, Mayahuel, Patecatl, Tepoztecatl, Tlaloc, Tlaxolteotl, Toci, Xipe Totec, Xochipilli, Amun, Bastet, Bes, Hathor, Heget, Heryshaf, Isis, mesenet, Min, Osiris, Renenutet, Thesan, Fufluns, Akras, Rauni, nerthus, Adonis, Aphaea, Aphrodite, Cybele, Demeter, Dionysys, Priapus, Haumea, Laka, Lono, Aditi, Chandra, lajja, manasa, Parvati, Sinivali, Mama Quilla, Pacha Kamaq, Anjea, Julunggul, Kunapipi, Anka, Amasagnul, Emesh, Enten, Gatumdag, Inanna, Nanshe, Nidaba, Nin-imma, Shulmanu, Tammuz, Sharra Itu, Freyja, Ajysyt, Umay, Ziva, Zeme, Siebog, Radegast, Freyr, Frigg, Gefjun, Gedi, Anahita, Bona Dea, Carmenta, Deres, Diana, Fascinus, Liberia,
Gods of Healing Agwa, Patecatl, Airmed, Alaunus, Atepomarus, Borva, bridid, Dian Decht, Glanis, Grannus, Ianuaria, Lenus, Mullo, Nodens, Sirona, Elder Zhang Gua, Wong Tai Sin, heka, Serdet, Ta-Bitjet,  Fufuns, Menrva, Aceso, Aegle, Artemis, Apollo, Paeon, Iaso, Hydieia, Chiron, Kamrusepa, Shaushka, Pinga, Ebisu, Ixchel, Namtar, Ninazu, Ninurta, Kumugwe, Eir, Haoma, Eshmun, Eshmun, Haima, Eshmun, Angitia, Bona Dea, Cardea, Carna, Endovelicus, Febris, Pilumnus, Vejovis, Verminus, Beiwe, Zywie, Derzelas, Aja, Erinle, Sopona
Hunting Gods Arternis, Heracles, Khonvoum, Woden, Atlaua, Mixcoatl, Opochtli, Cernunnos, Nodens, Neith, Nerrivik, Pinga, Sedna, Tekkeitsertok, Diana, Devana, Ipabog, Podoga, bendis, Ogoun
Gods of Wisdom Ogma, Jar’Edo Wens, Erlang Shen, Menrva, Athena, Coeus, Eidyia, Metis, Prometheus, Apallo, Saraswati, Ganesha, A’as, Fukurokuji, Kuebiko, Omoikane, Enki, Nabu, Nidaba, Odin, Snotra, Vor, Anahita, Anulap, Egeria, Fabulinus, Providentia
Gods of War Agurzil, Apedemak, Kokou, maher, Ogoun, Aya, Al-Qaum, Anahit, Heitzilopochtli, Anahit, Huitzilopochtli, itzpapalotl, Mextli, Mixcoatl, Teoyaomicqui, Toci, Gurzil, Agrona, Andarta, Anann, Babd, Camulus, Cicolluis, macha, Neit, Nemain, Rudianos, Segomo, Smertrios, Chi You, Anhur, Ankt, Bast, Horus, Maahes, menhit, Monthu, Neith, Satis, Sedhmet, Sopdu, Wepwawet, Lara, Menrva, Alal, Androktasiai, Ares, Athena, Bia, Enyalius, Eris, Himados, Hysminai, Keres, Kydoimos, Makhai, Nike, Palioxis, Phobos, Polemos, Proioxis, Ku, Pele, Chamunda, Durga, Hanuman, indra, kali, Mangala, Matrikas, murugan, Shaushka, Wurrukatte, Hadur, Bishamonten, Futshunushi, Hachiman, Tohil, Belus, Inanna, Ishtar, Nergal, Sebitti, Shala, Shara, Shulmanu, pap-nigin-gara, Qamaits, Freyja, Odin, Thor, Tyr, Great Gish, Thracian Rider, Oro, Bellona, Honos, Lua, Mars, Vica ptoa, Victoria, Virtus, Agasaya, Anat, Astarte, Seheph, Tanit, perun, Radegast, Svetovid, Zorya Utrennyaya, Bugid Y Aiba, ogoun, Pie
Divine Rulers Egyptian Pharaohs, Yellow Emporer, King Numitor, Julius, Ceasar, Caligula, Emporor Hirohito, Dalai Lama, Ghanas, Hong Xiuquan, Gung-ye, Sailendra, kediri, Myan Kings, inca Emperors, Roman Emperors, Naram-Sin, Claudius, Imhotep, Queen Dido of Carthate, Homer, Romulus, Siddhartha Gautama Budda, Jose Razal, George Washington
Self-Proclaimed Jim Jones, Hong Xiuquan, Juanita Peraza, Jehovah Wanyonyi, Osho

Who Made God?

To find out Who Made God? (your god), look at who made all these other Gods.  They were made by people. We created God.  All of these Gods.  When you study the history of every God listed above, you will find that people made the God up, and got many believed He was real.  Why people will believe in a man-made God is fascinating, and the book Why Adam and Eve Created God will amaze you.  People believe in God for many reasons, some that they barely understand, or even deny.

The Right to Religious Freedom

Religious freedom is a fundamental human right.  Are you surprised to read it here?  This is a statement you will have a hard time finding on most free-thinking and atheist web sites.  The fact that people created their Gods for so many very normal reasons entitles them to believe what they want and enjoy this fundamental right as they see fit.

I believe people have the right to believe in God – or not.  It is a personal decision, and for many very good reasons, this is a right we all should defend.  Regardless of your belief or disbelief in God, we cannot go through our daily life judging everyone by their religion or their belief in God.  Belief in God does not necessarily tell you anything about a person’s intelligence, personality, or thought process.  There are so many religions, so many version of God, and as you see in Why Adam and Eve Created God, every believer makes their own version of religion.  You cannot infer anything about someone by simply knowing what religion he/she professes.

And does anyone actually know what another person really believes?  Many people are forced to act as if they really believe in God when they may have serious doubts about their faith, or may even be atheist.  In many elections, politicians must profess a faith in God just to get elected.  Parents require their children to profess the same beliefs that they do.  No questions asked.  Some jobs require people to profess certain beliefs.  It’s physically dangerous to be an atheist in some prisons and in some countries.  So when we meet someone with a spiritual poker-face, its hard to fault them for it.  You can’t judge a person by the brand of religion he claims to endorse – so you should not.

Considering that religion or belief in God, for anyone who professes either, is a fundamental elements of their life.  Freedom of religion or belief should be fully respected and guaranteed.

I am not the only person who thinks Freedom of Religion is a fundamental human right.  Here is a short list of others who also wish to protect this right.

Steve Jobs

A true believer in religious freedom, and a modern-day technology prophet:  “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.  Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.  Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice, heart and intuition.”

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson as well, as all the founding Fathers of America,believed that religion was a personal choice.  While Virginia was working on reforming its laws in 1779, Jefferson introduced the Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom in Virginia.  In the constitution of the USA, they put the words: “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.” (Article 6, section 3).  They truly wanted religious freedom.

President Bill Clinton

In 1993 he signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) — one of the most important civil rights bills.

Pope Paul VI

In 1965 Pope Paul VI wrote Dignitatis Humanae a Declaration of Religious Freedom.

United Nations

In 1981, the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief

Being atheist

There is no A in atheist

Once you take that leap away from faith in God, you are no longer lumped into a formal group such as “Jew”, a “Catholic”, or a “Baptist”.  Being atheist, with a lower-case “a”, is something to be proud of.  It is not a four-letter word, and its not a name.  People like to label everyone something, so you may think you are now an “Atheist“, but you are not.  You don’t have to be labeled like a cut of meat in the grocery store.  Atheist is not a proper noun.  It is an adjective that describes people who are not willing to accept religion.  I would say atheists are people smart enough to repel the barrage of attacks against intelligent thinking that comes from religions and their missionaries.

What is an atheist?  Some say that atheists are people who “choose” to be non-believers.  But atheism is not really an action.  It is a realization.  Those of us who realized that there is no God came to this realization in many different ways.  Some realize there is no God through scientific inquiry.  Some find out through a very bad experience with religion.  Some simply realize the religion of their youth is unbelievable.   Many realize that there is no good reason to believe and religion is not worth having.  Whichever path lead you here, be glad you made it and embrace the feeling of religious freedom.

What is an atheist belief?  Atheism isn’t a belief system. Its a knowledge system.  Being atheist is about knowledge.  Unlike the God-fearing believers, atheists know that there is not God.  We know we can find all the evidence and proof that any smart person would need to make a case for ignoring the idea of God.

Being a Freethinker

I’m guilty of associating freethinking with atheism.   People who have high standards of logic and reason, and judge ideas based upon these standards, often come to realize that there is no God.  It is the natural result of freethinking.  Freethinkers are not automatically atheistic, but well on their way.   Freethinking and atheists are very compatible, and the process of applying freethinking to religion inevitably concludes with the leap away from faith.

Nothing to be Ashamed of

It is unfortunate, but most religious people disdain intelligent thinking.  Their religion’s require them to check logic and reason at the door.  Thinking without reasoning is embedded in their philosphy of life.  It has been taught to them since childhood.  Because most people on earth believe in some God, the atheist finds intellectual animosity all around.

Religions teach their followers many things about atheists, and most of the information is simply wrong.  They are meant to demonize free thought and atheists.  Some of the misconceived ideas are:

  • People who reject God are sinners.
  • The devil possesses the unbeliever.
  • Demons use unbelievers to do their dirty work
  • Non-believers do not have morality.
  • The 10 commandments are needed to maintain law and order.
  • Atheists have no no meaning to their life.
  • It is impossible to distinguish evil from good without God.
  • Atheists worship nature and money.
  • God is Love.
  • Atheists don’t know love.
  • Atheism leads to communism.

With the majority of people around us believing the statements above, atheists face many prejudices.  Fortunately, most of the faithful are not really “true believers” and, the days of religions brutally persecuting the non-believer are mostly over.

It takes courage to step away from God, and the book Why Adam and Eve Created God helps people develop the courage.  It reveals why people still believe, and once a person understands why the believer holds on to their faith, the step away from God is not really a leap, but a side-step.  The atheist can proudly say that their view of life is so much better and rewarding.

  • People are judged by their actions not the group they belong to.
  • We are responsible for our actions, not God or demons.
  • Morality is determined by what is right and wrong.
  • There are way more that 10 things we should do and not do.
  • We make our own decisions and live our own life.
  • We help others when and because they need it.
  • No worry about the afterlife.
  • The reward of doing a good deed is enough.
  • We enjoy life and its rewards.
  • Giving love is an exciting personal experience.

The statements above are so very reasonable, and we atheists can be proud to support them; anytime, everywhere.

Below is a link to an interesting website that consolidates many atheist blogs.
Planet Atheism - aggregating blogs by non-believers and freethinkers