I’ve asked hundreds of Christians for just one piece of evidence that the God of the Bible created the world.  Every one starts telling me the philosophic arguments for creation but no Christian has ever cited any evidence.  There is no evidence a God created the world, and there is overwhelming evidence that the world evolved over billions of years.  No human fossil has ever been found with a dinosaur’s.  They obviously were not all created in 7 days.

Here is just a small list of the millions of pieces of evidence that the world evolved.  When you want to decide who is correct, creationists or evolutionists, remember this:  There are millions of pieces of evidence of the evolution process and not one piece of evidence can be found to prove that God created us.  If you were a student in Kansas or many other Christian schools, you probably don’t know the following facts because this knowledge was hidden from you by people you trusted.

In 1856 Charles Darwin proposed a theory that all living things evolve.   160 years of amazing advances in biochemistry, genetics, and science have shown he was right.  By 1900 most educated scientists understood evolution and know it to be true, but yet today many people not trained in science still think the scientists are wrong .


All genes of one species are very similar to other similar species.  Pick ANY species on earth and their genes are very similar to many other different species.  Why: because they evolved from common ancestors.  Never do we find similar species with totally different genes.

Now that gene sequencing is very cost effective, laboratories, universities, and companies are sequencing the genes of all species on the plant.  Genes are like living barcodes, allowing people to identify exactly any living species by its nucleic acid sequence.

Mitochondrial DNA evolves faster than nuclear DNA, so scientists mapping mtDNA are able to see very small differences between species and witness evolution.  mtDNA has also help identify many new species of plants and animals.  Because mtDNA changes pass down through the female line in humans, the history of human evolution is also well understood.

PLOS Biology Journal reported a study of 260 species of birds in North America, and the largest genetic difference they found was %7.9.   Humming Birds and Mallard Ducks are related.

Birds and humans are separated by millions of years of evolution. 100s of researchers studies bird and human genetics related to bird songs and human speech and determined that vocal learning is similar between these species. Humans and birds share 55 genes in the brain region related to vocalization. (sciencemag.org Dec 2014)

While carefully monitoring the genetics of a single species of warblers in Sweden for 8 years, B. Hansson was able to measure genetic variations taking place between breeding pairs.  Tiny changes every 8 years would add up over millions of years and cause new species to form.

Researchers at Cornell University and Nova Southeastern University discovered that many of the Great White Shark’s proteins match humans. It is well know mankind evolved out of the ocean, and there is a lot of evidence to this.

Human Genetics Related to Animals

The Gorilla and the Pigmy Chimp differ genetically by 2.3%   Humans and Pigmy Chimps differ by only 1.6%.  We are closer related to the Pigmy Chimp than a Gorilla is.  According to the Smithsonian, human’s DNA differs by about 0.1%.

Humans are so closely related to primates such as monkeys, that we have many of the exact same biological features.  Biological features of monkeys and humans:

  • Binocular Vision.
  • Hands that can grasp.
  • Enlarged cerebral hemispheres.
  • Fingernails instead of claws.
  • A tail, although in humans it is a tail-bone.
  • Flat face with two eyes pointing the same direction.
  • 32 teeth.
  • Two mammary glands.
  • The males have nipples
  • Two arms, two legs, similar liver, kidney, gall bladder, and many other organs.
  • Hearts that are almost identical and beat the same.
  • Appendixes.

Not a single human biological trait is unrelated to a monkey’s.  Had humans been created, there would be at least 1-2 complete biological differences. There are not. Every aspect of  human biology is an obvious offshoot of a primate’s.

Humans are also related to fish, dogs, cats, birds, and every other mammal. We all share a lot of common organs and traits, such as:

  • Rib Cages.
  • Glands in our skin that secrete fluids.
  • Female dogs and female humans secrete milk from breasts to feed offspring
  • DNA within cells determines the nature of the cell and organism.

Radiometric Dating Methods

The world is full of elements the naturally decay.  Radioactive elements are formed when volcanos erupts and when molten rick freezes.  The half-life of radio-active decay is very predictable and measureable, giving scientist a precise time clock buried in the ground.  By dating the age of rocks founds with fossils, the age of the fossils can be determined.Half Life

There are many situations where radiometric dating is not possible because of the absence of suitable minerals, so believers will cite these as proof radiometric dating is a hoax.  But, there are many places and minerals that work outstanding for dating fossils.

The Bearpaw Formation in Saskatchewan, Canada is layered with volcanic ash and fossil-bearing rocks.  With 75 million years of volcanic ash, three independent dating methods confirm the fossils were buried there a very long time ago.

65 million years ago, a huge asteroid crashed into the earth near the Yucatan Peninsula spewing iridium around much of the earth, possibly ending the Cretaceous period and leaving a helpful time-stamp in fossil layers.

 Natural Selection

Nature makes evolution so obvious.  Those of us who spend time exploring nature and keep our eyes open get to witness evolution wherever we go.

In Mammoth Cave National Park lives a species of blind fish. Years of living and breeding in a place where vision blindfish1was not needed created a species that had no eyesight. The biologic residue of the ancient eyes it had millions of years ago is still there.  It is so obvious its eyesight evolved away.  A brilliant God creating a blind fish wouldn’t have also created useless eye sockets.  Evolving away its vision opened it senses to smells, feelings, that helped is survive.

The Fossil Record

There are hundreds of millions of fossils on display all around the world.  I personally have come across millions of fossils in my adventure travels around the United States, China, and Mexico. The world is full of fossil evidence of evolution.

No human fossil has ever been found with a dinosaur. God did not create all living things in 7 days.  It is very obvious that all species originated sequentially over billions of years.

300 years ago geologists noted that fossils occur in sequences.  With radiometric dating,

Svante Paabo of the University of Munich has sequenced the DNA of 42000 year old Neanderthal  fossils, and found that there are similar but not identical to modern day humans.  This supports the hypothesis that Neanderthals went extinct, and our Homo sapiens ancestors survived.

Fruit flies reproduce very fast, so they evolve very quickly. David Burney discovered and excavated a cave on the island of Kauai in Hawaii that contained 10,000 years of  fossils, sequentially buried. He found 1000 species of fruit flies that exist no where else in the world.  Those isolated fruit flies evolved into 1000s of species.  He also found the fossils of ducks that had no wings.  Sometime long ago some ducks flew onto Kauai.  With no predator, the species had no need for wings and evolved into flightless grazing animals.

When studying fossils from 5 million years ago, 10, 20, 100, or 200 million years ago we find hundreds of thousands of different species but not one human fossil. Why?  Humans had not yet evolved. Never do we find human fossils buried with ancient animal fossils.  It is obvious we were not created all together  in 7 days.  Buried with fossils laid down 2.8 million years we find some human-like fossils.  Human-like fossils found buried with 1 million year old fossils are more similar to us, and by 50,000 year ago Homo sapien fossils are almost identical to us.