Section 3 – Mistakes and Bloopers of Our Religions
January 20, 2012 Chapter Synopsis

We have come a long way now, visiting some of the history of religion and the many reasons why mankind has a propensity for the Holy.  For the unconvinced and the skeptic, as well as those of us who require proof, this chapter will attempt to address some of the more important fundamental beliefs of the popular western religions.  It is not intended to address the dogma of the denominations, but rather analyze the common beliefs that members cling to to sustain their faith.  It will especially focus on the illogical, unfounded, antiquated, and unsubstantiated beliefs that so many millions hold sacred.  These are the beliefs people use to justify spending their time, money, and energy on religion.  My efforts are not intended to be disrespectful of other’s beliefs, but it is inevitable when highlighting the glaring errors that men and women hold as their deepest, dearest, truths.  Some will take offense and others may be insulted, but religion is a personal matter and exposing personal flaws is impolite.  For this I apologize.  This does not change the facts, and that is what I am attempting to illuminate—the facts about religion.  Facts kept hidden in the shadows for eons by the faithful.  Facts about religious myths.  Psychological profiles of the leaders.  True histories as revealed in verifiable records.  These are some of the very important facts concerning religions which are often distorted by those who benefit by keeping them secret, or by those who feel they serve their God in doing so, or by simple innocent misunderstanding.

This is only a short summary of this topic.  To find out more, please get Why Adam and Eve Created God


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