Chapter 30 – Scientific Proofs without Science
January 20, 2012 Chapter Synopsis

Five hundred years ago, it is easy to understand how very smart people could still believe in a God. Without only simple time keeping devices to help plot his course, it seemed like a miracle that a man like Magellan could navigate the globe.  Great accomplishments were done with hard work, bright minds, persistence, and lots of luck, for precision wasn’t available and science wasn’t trusted.  In our scientific age, if something is proven “scientifically”, it gains a certain level of credibility.  There will always be those who believe in big-foot, alien encounters, healing crystals, and psychics, but for an idea to stay in the mainstream in the western world, there must be some scientific basis.  It does not have to be good science, or accurate science, or even scientificallycarried out, it just needs to appear scientifically plausible so that the doubting mind can assure itself that there is a basis to its belief.  The examples of pseudo-science are everywhere. 

This is only a short summary of this chapter.  To find out more, please read Why Adam and Eve Created God


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